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Dashboard showing too many participants


Hello All,

I accessed the dashboard to confirm the amount of time I spent on zoom and I am seeing 16 participants in a meeting where there were supposed to be only 2 people on the call. Can anyone access a meeting if they are not admitted by me? Also the amount of time is incorrect. The total elapsed time should have been under or around 4 hours. Everything about this data is wrong from the number of meetings to participants to time on zoom. Any insight will be greatly appreciated. I do not understand what is going on. I did not have 7 meeting with 16 participants for sure. I had 2 meetings each with only 1 participant and 1 host.



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

The Zoom Dashboard generates a record every time someone enters and leaves a meeting for any reason, including if the lobby is enabled and a participant enters the lobby and then leaves, to join the session, that generates a record.


Thank you but still the numbers don't make sense. I only have one person on a call at a time. I did not have 7 meetings that day. I only had 2 meetings. 2 separate people.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

If those two people inside the meeting, joined and left the same meeting several times, each of those entries generates an participation record within the session.

In the attached example, I show you a meeting of 4 people, however the record of participants is 7, this is because some of those 4 participants entered and exited the session several times.



Thank you again for the jpg and example. How can I see the same level of information? I do not see user name, device etc. Can I drill down to the same information as you show in your report?

I think I found the report and probably I need to be more formal about how clients access my zoom meeting so they are recorded properly. In many cases they are accessing the meeting by clicking on a text message. Wondering if emailing a link will capture the name so that it will show up on the Attendee log report? Your example doesn't look like any of the reports I can access.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

This report that I show you is for users who have their Zoom license on a Business plan.

You can share access to your meeting through a "copy/paste" link, but you can also share it by email to the list of contacts you want to invite and when they enter, you can ask them to forcefully identify themselves with "user authentication".
