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Creating a meeting for other people to attend that I do not need to attend


I am a recruiter and I would like to set a meeting for a candidate and my client to meet, can I do that without having to start the meeting?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @CBrooks4211.


There are ways to accomplish this, but first, a caution: This situation might be considered a violation of Zoom Terms of Service (TOS). Regularly creating meetings for other people to attend (without your participation) is not permitted.  See the TOS link and excerpt below. 


If this is a meeting that you would normally attend but can’t attend this one, there are ways to provide others access to your meeting in your absence.  You could:

  • Use the Host Key method to give your client access to Host the meeting, or…
  • Set the meeting settings to enable Join before host with Passcode enabled and Waiting Room disabled, allowing anyone with the Join link to enter the meeting during the scheduled time, without the presence of a host. 

Zoom’s TOS document is available here: 


See especially:

1.2 Prohibition on Sharing. You may not share an account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Zoom in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services and Software is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, except upon (i) an individual termination of employment or relationship with their employer, as applicable, or (ii) Zoom’s prior express written approval.


Host Key info:

Join before Host Info: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.