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Control panel disappearing when sharing a screen and...


This morning I was leading a group Zoom where I share a slideshow with audio, and the control panel kept disappearing, so I continually had to start over again. There was no time to go to a forum or chat group and read all the suggestions when I was already holding up our meeting.So, like the ancient geek I am, I 'splained what was happening to the group, and kept triing different approaches. Finally around the 5th try got it to work. I strongly dislike how we pay for Zoom and still are expected to spend a lot of time researching glitches.  This is a comment which is true for ALL THE CORPORATE SOFTWARE we use ---- the consumer is made to be the be techie, which involves spending tons of valuable time and energy researching solutions to the problem, testing them out and then, implementing before the next change manifests. If you Zoom employees could pass this on to the powers that be, it would be appreciated.  There are so many of us who use Zoom without being employed by a corporate entity, so there is no IT person to turn to--- and even so, IT employees are busy trying to keep up with rapid changes and none of them say, "Sorry, we are unsure of how to solve this," which would save us a lot ot time. 🙂 



since you received no replies, I will 2nd your comment by saying same.  Every time i start a meeting with a PPT attachment using 1 or 2 screens it's a different "meeting."  The files disappear, won't pop up in presentation mode, there's a new sharing protocol.  All of which the consumer is never notified on.  


Thank you!  It's so great to hear from someone else experiencing unplanned obstacles to presenting Power Point on Zoom.  I got my issue (this time) straightened out be leaving the meeting and coming back three times.  Third time was the charm. 🙂