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Can you change speakers and still keep powerpoint as virtual background?


I host a yearly memorial service for our school, the last few years on zoom. It breaks up the flow to go to share screen with a speaker (who presents a memory of the deceased) and then go to the powerpoint to share some pics. I thought Powerpoint as virtual background was a great addition but wonder if I can keep the slides up and change speakers? Any help would be most appreciated.

Thank you!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @ProfJenny,


Great concept, but I don’t think it we’ll have the effect you want. The PowerPoint as Background is set “per person”, and unlikely to be in sync as various speakers come and go. 

My suggestion would be to have someone (it could be the host, but doesn't have to be) would Share Screen with a PowerPoint presentation, then the host would spotlight each person that was going to speak. Ask all attendees to select Speaker View Mode, or if it’s a webinar you can set all attendees to see that view. Then everyone only sees the PowerPoint and the currently active/spotlighted speaker. 

I highly recommend doing a practice session once or twice with a few volunteers to get the hang of it. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.