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Audio Echo


About halfway through my recent two-hour meeting echo began on the voices of all meeting participants. When I spoke I could hear an echo of my voice also. This fault made understanding of speech practically impossible. This condition occurred during a meeting of the same group of people several months ago also. With regard to the latter occurrence, I advised the meeting host of the problem. He noticed that a second session of the meeting had been activated on my computer. That second session was causing the echo. Rather than removing that second session (which might have made it impossible for me to rejoin the meeting) he moved it to "the waiting room" (?....someone may be familiar with that term). That action stopped the echo. (NOTE: I didn't have the opportunity to advise the host of my echo problem during this recent occurrence since it would have disrupted ongoing meeting conversation, but I would guess that the echo during this meeting was caused by the same "second session" problem)


Does anyone know how/why the interfering second session is being activated? I know that I'm not deliberately starting a second session. For possible assistance in analysis of this problem, the only device I had connected to Zoom during both occurrences referenced was my desktop computer, an iMac (macOS Ventura 13.2.1 software) using Safari as browser.



The echo has become a huge issue on our Zoom calls. To the best of our knowledge none of the "Causes" listed were the case. When I, the host, muted my Zoom on MacBook Pro, the echo disappeared for the other participants. I could only speak briefly, and right afterwards had to mute myself. It was a hassle. We would really like to find a solution to this, otherwise we may have to use WebEx which we are not fond of. Any thoughts?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

There are many contributing factors that could be causing echo on calls and while there is a chance that you were joined to multiple sessions again, we need to be able to confirm this through meeting logs to continue troubleshooting that specific issue. 


Since there are MANY potential causes for the issue, text conversations like this one are not always the most helpful in narrowing down every possible scenario.

Definitely consult this article if you haven't already, but this is by no means an exhaustive guide to troubleshooting echo:


Based on your description, I assume that you are neither the host of the meeting nor the admin of your Zoom account (please correct me if I'm wrong). What would be helpful would be to ask the Zoom admin of the account this most recent meeting was on to pull the dashboard for the meeting and see if you were connected twice. This will either confirm or rule out the duplicate connection theory for your most recent echo incident.


You only ever use Safari for Zoom, correct? Please confirm that you do not have the Zoom Client application installed on your Mac - just want to make sure this is the case.


Much more troubleshooting ahead, unfortunately, but these are first steps.