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Add Participant Using Their Landline And Smartphone While On A Meeting


I came across an article mentioning a Zoom Phone feature that allows me to add participants by adding their landline and smartphone while I initiate a meeting. However, I can't seem to find this feature on my Zoom account.

Can you please provide guidance? These participants are elderly individuals, many of whom may not have email addresses and some may not even have mobile numbers to receive invitations. I simply need to add them so they can connect automatically.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Antoninosydney.


It’s unlikely your elderly individuals are using Zoom Phone. The functionality of turning a call into a Zoom Meeting requires that the phone call to be joined to the Meeting be in a Zoom Phone Call – a cellular phone call using the native phone’s capability can’t be converted. 


I tested this capability a few years ago when I converted my RingCentral phone service to Zoom Phone. It’s pretty cool, but dependent on Zoom Phone participation. 

External phones (not using Zoom Phone) can be joined to a meeting in Audio-only mode – as if they dialed in as an audio participant directly.


See this Zoom Support article for some additional information: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.