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Why my colleague can't see the webinar I created ?




I looked online and even talked to the usuless chatbot on the platform and couldn't find an answer. 


I created a webinar for a colleague but he can't see it, why ? 


We're part of the same organisation, he should be able to see it no ? 


What am i doing wrong ? Thanks, 


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@fafaba - when you say you created the webinar for the colleague, do you have scheduling privlidges for the colleague?  Or did you create it under your account (with you as the host) and invite your colleague?

I created the webinar with my account but we are part of the same organisation and I have added him as host. 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@fafaba - If he makes you a Scheduler for his account, you can schedule on his behalf and he will see it.  If you just make him a panelist in a webinar, it will send him an invite to join, but it will not automatically put the webinar on his schedule.  Even though you are on the same account, the assumption is that various users on an account do not want to automatically share all of their meeting and webinar information.