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Speaker photos and bios for webinars


I have the same speakers and bios for all my webinars, but I have to upload photos and copy/paste their bios every time. The webinar template doesn't save speaker info. Is there a want to save the speaker info for future webinars?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @rakinstexas.


I don't recall hearing this comment before.  I run a few webinars for a client that often have repeating speakers, but we're talking two people.  Do you have many?  If so, maybe a Feature Request to have the photos available in a library would be in order.  Use the Feedback menu item from your desktop app, according to this web page's instructions:
If you do not see the Give Feedback tab, follow the process indicated to enable the feedback feature on your account.

Note that the Zoom Sessions product, a Webinar-only subset of the increasingly popular Zoom Events product, has a Resource Library associated with each "Hub".  Let me know if you're interested in learning more about this.

Ray - Need Zoom Events/Sessions Help? Visit
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