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Is there a customizable element that a host can add at the bottom of a Zoom Screen for the audience?


I have not hosted a Zoom webinar before but attended a lot of them and some issues keep repeating themselves and I wonder if there was already a solution to them. Wouldn't it be great if there was another tab we could put on the bottom of the Zoom Webinar that could be titled to whatever the host want, like "Read this First" or "Helpful Links".


It would be nice if there was a place to put down important information like "This is recorded and you will get the video within the week." and "Here is a link to the course material we are covering." Half of the comments today asked if they could get a recording and where to get the materials for the lesson and the moderators had to answer those 2 questions like 50 times. It bogs down the chat. I had some moderators in the past add it to the Q & A but then kept on answering those same 50 questions as "go to the Q &A" for the answer because people don't think to go to the Q & A for information and links.  I just want to know if that feature already exists for when I start hosting webinars, and if not, can there be a feature like this? Can the designers and the dev team work their magic to prevent webinar headaches? Thanks for your time fellow Zoom community members!