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Did anyone else's event notification endpoint URL randomly start failing last week?


For 2 months, I have been running a Pipedream worfklow which triggers on a Zoom "Meeting End" Webhook. The Pipedream trigger sends back an immediate 200 response and then has a code step to Hash Validate per Zoom's documentation. This structure has been working for the last 2 months. Randomly, on 11/30/23 at 9:05 AM, I received a notification from Zoom detailing that my URL Endpoint Validation to Pipedream has failed. From that point on, I have not been able to verify the Pipedream Trigger URL in Zoom's Interface. My confusion comes from the fact that this worked for months and then in an instant it has started failing completely.


I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue in the past week or so. There had to be some sort of change on the Zoom side to have this issue appear so spontaneously.