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Introduce myself


Hi everyone. 😊


My name is Mags. 

I'm from the North West of England and I am new to the Zoom Community.

I have been using Zoom for the past 3 years and I really enjoy the experience the platform has given me.  However I do get stuck about a few things so hopefully there would be people there to give advice and help along the way.

Looking forward to having chats with you 




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello Mags!


You'll find a lot of people here on the Zoom Community willing to help.  I learn a lot by helping others... since they often ask questions I never thought about.


With 3 years of experience, it sounds like you probably have some experience to lean on to help some of the newbies that drop in!   When you have some spare time, feel free to look around for unanswered questions and see if you might have the answer.  The first time or two answering someone else's questions can be a little intimidating, but soon you'll find yourself at the top of the Happy Leader Board!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Glad to have you in our community, @Barnes92106 ! Looking forward to seeing your contributions 😎

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Hey you welcome. And it’s also nice to have you here too


Hi everyone, thank y’all for welcome me to the website 👋🏾