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Zoom Won't Recognize Passcode on Smart Phone


Every once in a while, Zoom won't recognize the passcode I have entered.  I have entered it correctly, but it's almost like Zoom isn't recognizing keystrokes.  It happens often using a smart phone and to many people in my organization.  I tried it moments ago, the first attempt, I entered the passcode correctly but Zoom read back the number missing a few digits I know I entered.  Retried again, no issue.  Why is this happening?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee


Which passcode are you referring to? is it the passcode when joining a meeting?


More often, issues with a mobile application is with the app/client not being updated on a regular basis. So to ensure that Zoom will properly work, you need to ensure that you are always using the most updated version.


Hope this helps!


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Thank you for responding!  This issue only occurs when using Zoom for phone calls without any app.  Numerous people in our organization, and clients, have experienced issues when dialing the passcode.  After dialing in using the Zoom number and waiting for the prompt to enter the passcode, all 10 digits will be entered correctly, but Zoom reads the number back incorrectly as though Zoom is having trouble "receiving" the numbers dialed, if that makes sense.  I have replicated the issue twice myself today. 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Could you please check if the application you are using has the latest version then? IF not , update it and try if you could replicate the issue being described.


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Hello again... I updated to the latest version and Zoom is still reading me back the passcode I dialed incorrectly.  I can see on my phone I entered the passcode correctly though.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

I would suggest that you log a problem with Zoom Support at
- This way support team can further check backend if there's a known issue or bug for mobile applications.


Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to look for a solution.

Were you ever able to solve this? I have this exact problem every time I try to dial in and have yet to find a solution. Thanks! 

I am glad you asked!  After going to Zoom support, escalating the issue several times, filming and providing proof to Zoom of the issue,  being forced to test dozens of numbers dozens of times on my personal cell phone and then when I said "I tested X," Zoom would give me even more things to test... Zoom did nothing!  Zoom couldn't solve or fix the issue at all.  I am so sorry you're dealing with this, too.  We were basically given "Wait and See" aka Zoom hoped it would go away on its own because it had no idea how to fix its own issue.

Thank you so much for your response! I'm sorry to hear this. Super frustrating. I thought I was going crazy, so at least I know I'm not alone. I will update this thread if I figure out any workarounds. Best of luck, Zoom friend!