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Hearing audio from muted participant


During a weekly 3-hour meeting, the participant list shows that all participants are muted. Nevertheless, we can hear when one particular participant clears his throat.  This happens week after week. The mute icon on the participant list shows that he's muted and doesn't change when we hear him clear his throat. This has gotten very annoying since it happens  every few minutes for three hours every week.


What's going on? How can we suppress this audio?




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @Larry8 


I have some troubleshooting questions for you...


Is anyone at all un-muted when you hear the throat-clearing? (I'll call it coughing).


When you hear the coughing, could you try a "Mute-All"(from the Participant List) and then ask your current speaker(s) to un-mute?


Does your coughing participant speak at other times, and is able to be heard? 


Are you the Host, and how many Co-Hosts are there?


Roughly how many participants total?


I experienced that this evening in our meeting.  One person was unmuted and speaking, however, everyone else is muted but still I heard two people talking and they were Muted!  That was weird.  I am aware of Zoom's privacy statement but what do you think is happening here?


They were about 73 participants.  About 5 co-hosts and 1 host.  I was neither.



A similar issue happened to me, which I have never experienced before. I joined a Zoom session to listen to a meeting and immediately turned off my video and muted my audio.  Someone stopped by my desk to ask me a question, and we had a brief side conversation. Within a minute, a colleague came down from another room and let us know that they could hear us.  We looked at Zoom, and the mic clearly indicated it was muted. We were mystified. I confirmed my Zoom settings were set to headset audio for mic and speakers. To head off any issues, I left the meeting. Very odd!


I had the same problem. I was teaching a class of 14 students and they were all muted. I even double-checked by using the “mute all” option. All through the class there was loud banging (construction? ). None of the students heard it. Only me. It was super frustrating. Any suggestions on how this might be remedied? We send out the recordings to students and the noise is really disturbing. 

Contributor I
Contributor I

If you are muted on Zoom, whether by the host or by you, nobody else can hear you. The host can't unmute anymore. They can ASK you to unmute.




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



if a muted user is in close proximity to an unmuted user it’s possible that the muted user could be picked up by the unmuted users microphone. 

This could happen in situations like a shared office, a classroom or a boardroom meeting.




I wish Zoom would look into this. We have a large Zoom meeting twice a week. We have it set so participants cannot unmute themselves. About 2 seconds after a particular person comments and then is muted, we can hear him talking for a brief moment. It is always the same person and we confirm that they were muted. I don't know why that is happening. It happens almost every meeting.