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Can't manually convert local recording


I had to cancel a local recording from converting. I've found the recording in my computer, but I don't know how to convert it. I'vev read the advice that I need to do it from my account - in my account, there's no list of recordings, so I can't convert according to the official advice. Can someone help?



we have the same problem, but the recording is listed in my computer, the problem is the advise that you need to log in to your account to convert it, but no avail to convert it



No IT branch (using on personal pc) and it turned into established via an exe installer with manual help. But I too do no longer have the Check for Updates option.


I also have a recorded file that I cannot click to convert, I cannot "open with Zoom desktop client," and it is not visible on the recordings on Zoom itself. It's only a file saved to my computer but I cannot figure out how to convert it. Any help on this topic would be appreciated!

I have Windows.

Did you ever figure it out? I'm having the same issue. I have it saved to my computer and not the cloud, so I can't follow the advice of looking at the desktop version (as the person above mentioned). Frustrating - meeting lost. 


Searched as I had the same problem... think I've solved it, though my solution may be because of a different problem...


So I'd recorded a few seconds of "testing, testing" video.  That went into my Zoom folder within a folder which had the meeting date and title.  Double clicked and it converted fine to MP4.


Did the full recording, found the Zoom Recording File in the same folder. Double-clicked.  Nothing happened.


So then I went in and deleted the MP4 and acutally the M4A files created from my "testing testing" video.   Double clicked again on the Zoom Recording File and it's converting now.


So... it just looks like if you've got one converted vidoe in there from a particular session, it thinks it's already done.


Hope this helps.