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Why is Zoom using the letter "Z" rather than the name Zoom.


It's completely tone-deaf to be using the letter "Z" to identify Zoom on the weblink. The app uses the full name, but considering that Russia has weaponized the letter "Z" in its war against Ukraine, it's not only bad form, but offensive. Please change soonest.



Please, would you be so kind and change your icon as soon as possible.
I think of war, Russian bombs and dying poeple every time I see the new ZOOM Icon.
Single letter "Z" is very offensive since Russia uses Z as symbol for it's war against Ukraine and
I belive single letter "Z" does not match to values that should be think of when ZOOM - peacefull conversation of poeple from different nations, countries, continents, rather than agression.

Who don't you switch back on short to the former icon?


Please change the icon Z to zoom. For people in Ukraine, icon Z is offensive. Z is associated with pain, death, war. I don't think the esteemed zoom wants anything to do with that.


I agree. Please revert the app icon. I'm an American and even know that a singular Z in that style looks like it's pro-Russian military. Not only is it very distracting as it makes me think of the invasion all day during work, but it also seems very offensive and unaware of how you are displaying yourself to the Ukrainian people.


Hey almighty developers and public relation people of Zoom. Its hard enough to work with the War in our heads every morning and before going to sleep. Can you please remove, change back, transform it to a duck, make it to be just a blood dripping eye of Sauron, or do what ever the duck you want with it, just remove the "Z" from my work tray! Its enormously distracting and constantly reminding me and my coworkers of the atrocities that RuZZia is imposing on others. You don't want me to list the things they are doing to families, to children, to woman that's for sure. And You just ignoring the fact that they changed the meaning of that single letter to all of us in a civilized world. Who ever argues at your company that you should stick with that icon is inhuman and a moral disaster of a person. Just as the swastikas' the stand alone letter "Z" as an icon or statement painted to anywhere will be remembered in our history as a symbol of horror and pain. And you don't want to be a part of that trust me. Thanks.


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @OM2 @mete777 @_Kim_ @Skrypai @Klaus3, we appreciate you taking the time to provide this feedback.


This is an issue we take seriously and that we're looking into. We'll pass your comments to our internal team handling this matter.

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Hi RN,

i'ts good to finally see a reply from Zoom in a thread about the Z logo. There are however several other threads about this horrible logo change where there is no official reply, and the first complaints came already in December if I'm correct. I suggest that you change back to the old logo and post replies in all threads about the Z logo. 

Please remove the russist "Z' symbol as a zoom application icon.  This is painful to see the russian swastica in my task bar.  



Your answer is from May 10th. It's now June 21st. How much looking into it do u need? It's very simple. Get rid of the z in ur icon. I'll give it till July 1st. When the z is not gone by then I will remove Zoom from my system.

Seriously, the year is almost over now. How hard is it to design a logo that doesn't feature a hate symbol?

Ah, I was wrong, they did update the icon, but my system was still using the old one. Reinstalling Zoom fixed it.

I update my zoom regularly.
Sometimes the icon in the taskbar is "zoom", sometimes "Z" - I can't understand why it changes all the time

Considering that the Z is still being  used, taking it seriously seems to amount to a hill of beans. The only solution is to remove the single letter Z, and replace it with "Zoom," th actual, short, and snappy name for the application. That is, unless Zoom aligns itself with the bloodthirsty russians, in which case, I'd be happy to cancel my subscription and encourage others to do the same.

As a belarusian, I'm disappointed by the icon "Z" I have to see every time. It's like having swastika during WW2 as an icon. Please, respect Ukrainian people and others who are devasted by the war.
All it takes is 5-10 min. to change the icon. 

Yes, it's called Zwastika now! 

Your prolonged reply shows how much Zoom "cares" about their clients. Turns out it doesn't. 

So... what is your reply? How long does it take for you to decide about this and respectfully reply to the Zoom users? It is disturbing to see the Z logo for Zoom for all of the reasons shared by this community

I found the perfect solution: uninstall and stop using "Z" application. I think accoringig to Zoom reaction(ratcher no reaction) that this solution is OK with them. 

I can see this post was made in May. I updated my application today on 15th of July and got the Z symbol in my taskbar. When are you going to replace it?

How many more months will you consider this? Zoom users suffer every day seeing this swastika!

I see they updated the icon; my system was still using the old one, but reinstalling Zoom fixed it.


Zoom support team, 


symbol "Z" = russian terrorism, fascsism, slaughter if children and innocent civilians. Why is it still on my desktop!?? 


I'd like to see an official comment, either "we will change it this week/months/$date" or "f#ck off, users, we don't care". At least it will be fair to the community.

I am truly sorry that Russian aggression has corrupted the opinion of the letter Z.
But imagine if every day you had to see a symbol on your screen that reminded you of your destroyed home, your murdered wife, your raped daughter, your dead brother. Sorry for the "hard" examples, but unfortunately this is the reality for many people in Ukraine.

I see they updated the icon; my system was still using the old one, but reinstalling Zoom fixed it.

Yes, it is, indeed distinctive and memorable, but in the worst possible way. A debacle in marketing -- easy to recognize and avoid.


The new icon is unacceptable. It makes me think that Zoom's owners support russian nazism and the invasion to Ukraine. For now I have to use Zoom at work, so I have changed the icon manually to a neutral one using Windows menu. But I will never use Zoom anywhere else and will never recommend it to anyone until you change the icon. 

Could you explain how to change the icon, please? 

You need to first pin the zoom to the taskbar in Windows. Then do the following:
- right click on the icon in the taskbar 
- right click on the Zoom in the menu that popped up
- click "Properties"
- In the window that appeared, click "Change icon" button in the Shortcut tab
- There you can change the icon, just find in the internet any free icon file (with .ico extension)

The icon will remain changed in your task bar and whenever zoom is active. However in the Windows tray it will be still an old icon. It's not a big problem since zoom is not visible in the tray usually unless you expand it. 

In the zoom window in the top-left corner it will be also an old icon, but it's smaller and not  that noticeable. 

I appreciate the work around that addresses some instances, but it does not solve the problem that Zoom is using th letter Z. They need to change it for everyone.

Thanks a lot!

It works only with the Desktop icon. Neither with the main program window nor with the TOOLBAR icon.

"Z" is really annoying and unacceptable.  I just close and stop using the ZOOM application.


Other companies modified their brand in solidarity with Ukraine within days of Putin's invasion. There is no way Zoom's change of logotype _after_ the invasion is a coincidence. One must assume Zoom is expressing solidarity with Putin by doing this.


Adding my words and letters  to protest using the letter “Z” as Zoom’s way of identifying itself:  Very bad form in light of the fact that “ Z” is the letter identifying the brutal war Russian leadership is waging in Ukraine.   The word Zoom has good associations for humans trying to stay in touch with each other. The letter  “Z” has dismally wrong associations with people who have lost their connection with what it means to be a good human.


I couldn't agree more with the OP. To use the Russian warhawks' symbol as the logo is in the worst possible taste.


The capital letter "Z" today is associated with Russian aggression toward Ukraine. Russian propaganda made this letter a symbol of war, like Hitler's swastika. And right now, during the war, you decided to change the icon on the toolbar in such a way as to be shown as on a Russian tank? Really? Please review and consider changing your logo again ASAP.


I don't understand it either. Every time I look at this logo on my desktop, I am reminded of the symbol of the Russian army. A very unpleasant feeling. The marketers at ZOOM are completely ignorant to allow the company to be associated with something so terrible and disgusting.


I suppose it's the active position of the company reflexing it's possible relations to russhists. Just fck it, there are a lot of other apps doing same job even better.
But after destroying of russian evil state this terrorist supporting behavior will be remembered and rebranding won't help