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Hi Community,


Is there any way I can cancel the reception of unwanted emails from Zoom, i.e. marketing, newsletters, and so on, as i do not need them other than saving the planet some carbon offprint?




Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee


There is typically an unsubscribe link at the bottom of those emails. If you are an owner or admin on an account, you may still receive occasional emails from Zoom, but these are dedicated to account changes and alerts, and will not be marketing or promotional emails. 

Your wrong about that!  Of all the emails that I get are to promote things and I keep unsubscribing every one of them and keep getting more!  They are not related to my account and alerts as my account is a basic one that I don't pay for.   They are all for marketing and promotional!  The last one is about a Webinar about kickstarting 2023!


Does this have anything to do with a paid account that has been cancelled over a year ago?  I don't have have a job that something like this is for but I got the paid version for a not for profit association to have their monthly meetings during the lock down during covid and not able to meet in person.  Now we can and I cancelled the subscription.


I can't seem to stop these emails so will you do it?  Do I need to cancel any account with Zoom to do it?

There is an "unsubscribe" at the bottom of an email, but it has no hyperlink. There is a link to go to email preferences, but the page is a disaster that does not even allow the user to click on anything.


There's a link but it's to:  %%profile_center_url%% which means nothing in an email.
Please tell whoever is generating these emails to use a FULL URL and not a variable.