since ‎2024-05-30

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In the featured sessions, the full title of longer sessions does not appear. Is there an option to display the full titles?
In "Event Branding," we have seen that the color scheme and other elements can be modified, but we haven't found a way to change the color of the webinar access buttons, which are white by default. Is this not possible?
We have noticed that by default, attendees of the event are shared publicly in the event lobby, both under "Attendees" and "People," with their profile picture and details. Is there an option to hide the "People" tab?
In the "Register and Join" section of the event settings, under the "Links and live access" subsection, there is a white button next to the update button that says "Create event access." When we click on it, it gives us an option that says "Link name...
After registering, it also sends an email verification with a code. Can we disable this email? We haven't found a way to do it. It could be a hassle for attendees.
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