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Zoomtopia 2023 Rewind

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, everyone!


I had a great time at Zoomtopia this year -- my first time in-person!  I met a lot of people I'd only seen online. With his new responsibilities we don't see as much of Community Champion and Zoom employee Brandon "@YaBoiB" Welch, but we met up in the Expo room and had a great chat.



One of the most fun sessions was the Behind the Scenes tour, showing how Zoomtopia really creates the great graphics.  The tour was hosted by three guys I've seen many times in various meetings about the Zoom Events package:

Here's Andy Carluccio and Sam Kokajko behind-the-scenes of one of the smaller conference rooms:


And Jonathan Kokotajlo behind-the-scenes of the main conference hall where the keynotes were given:


The technology was impressive, as shown here by Sam:


This was just one major section of 3 behind the stage.


For the initial keynote Tuesday morning, I had up-front seats for the opening by Zoom CEO Eric Yuan:


Just in front of us was one of 3 large monitors that displayed sign language and AI-generated translations of German and French.  This really did showcase the features available in Zoom Events now.  By the way, this part of the presentation shows two AMC theatres outfitted with Zoom Room technology and folks viewing Zoomtopia in other parts of the country:


Here's another great photo showing how Zoom Events technology facilitates hybrid events.  The QR code on the left can be scanned by in-person attendees to get access to language interpretation, captions, and Q&A.  By the way, that's our own Community Champion and Zoom employee Carla "@CarlaA" Almandoz who remotely emceed several presentations given in the smaller conference rooms.


Great food in the conference center both days, and to wrap up the whole event, Ludacris kept the Happiness Celebration hopping for two hours Wednesday evening.

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Oh my! I LOVE this @Ray_Harwood 😍


Thank you so much for representing the Zoom Community well. We're so glad to have you as a Community Champion 🏆

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Absolutely love this, @Ray_Harwood !! Thank you for sharing your Zoomtopia 2023 experience 💙

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Amazing @Ray_Harwood happy to have you with us! 🐋