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What to expect from European access


I plan to host a video (preferred) or phone meeting from Portugal, with people in the US. Usually, we are all in the US together. Does anyone know if I will potentially have access or bandwidth issues? If I am on wifi, which usually does not impact data charges (on a cell phone), is there anything else I have to be aware of?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

@czwohl  – a group I regularly work with has members all over the world collaborating on Zoom calls at a highly technical level. (See https://OfficeHours.Global for details on that group.)

 The attendance in that group is widespread across the globe, including Australia, South Africa, Israel, Germany, Japan and more. 
I’d have to say yes there are occasional issues, but no more so than a bunch of USA folks in a hundred mile radius of each other. Your individual bandwidth is the key. Stay away from wireless if at all possible - it is often the choke point and source of problems. Grab an Ethernet cable! You’ll be fine!

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.