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Phone call no audio


One of our users has a recurring issue of not being able to hear someone on the phone. It happens randomly and reinstalling zoom fixes it. Its not her audio devices and the weird thing is if we do a video call it works just fine. I have pin pointed the dll in question sipphone_audioctrl.dll when renaming to sipphone_audioctrl.dll.bak then closing zoom renaming back to sipphone_audioctrl.dll and opening zoom again the issue is resolved. I was hoping support could look into this. The file is in C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\bin. Let me know if you can help at all.


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee



As you mentioned, You should open a support ticket to further troubleshoot this issue. The steps you should take

1. Open a support ticket 

2. Submit Zoom phone problem report from the user's PC and mention the ticket number


Hope that helps resolve the issue


Was there ever a resolution to this? I am having the same problem with up to three other users, and the only options that seem to work for them are to completely reinstall Zoom, or to use the DLL rename mentioned at the top of this post. It would be nice to know if this was Zoom related or related to the ISP/Firewall local to the user.