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trouble joining meetings


I have been using Zoom for a year.  In the last week to 10 days I am having issues if I schedule a meeting to get every one in the same place at the same time.  I have been been setting the meetings up using my meeting ID but it seems like I am in one place and they are in another.


If I use the link in my email invite, it lets me join as a participant but not as host. (I used the zoom app to schedule the meeting and send the invites)


What is going on---I look like an idiot which is going to cost me business!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @CM2021 


Is your Zoom app still logged in to the account with which you scheduled the meetings. 


Are you able to compare the Meeting ID you are joining with the Meeting ID your participants are joining?



yes whether I am on my desk top or my phone, the account is the same.  I am a self-proprietor and the only person with access to my account when it comes to scheduling meetings.  When I set up the meetings, I have been clicking on the option to use my unique meeting ID.


I am using zoom since last many years and never face any issue but these days i am facing issue in my meeting. Firstly i think that it will be due to my internet issue but now i analyze that it is due to zoom. I am a freelancer doing services to my client remotely i have to do meetings with clients to discuss about projects.  I recently facing issue when i was discuss with my client about his website related to "key duplication services in Dubai" . I don't want to loss my client can you please tell me the solution for this.


I am using zoom since last many years and never face any issues but these days I am facing issues in my meeting. Firstly I think that it will be due to my internet issue but now I analyze that it is due to zoom.  I recently faced an issue when I was discussing with my client his website related to "key duplication services ". I don't want to lose my client can you please tell me the solution for this.