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locate the recording of a zoom meeting on smartphone


hi, a recording of a zoom meeting was made on a smartphone but we can't find the video of the zoom, do you know where we can find it?


Thank you for your help


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Hi Eliot, 


Thanks a lot for your time, the recording was done locally, so I read the article from the first link you shared. I did not find the information I was looking for, where is the recording stored on smartphone, I have the information for the location on pc or mac, (document/zoom) but not for a smartphone. I saw that there is a way to find the information by logging into his zoom account, but alas it is not possible because the account is with someone else, the person who registered the meeting was simply invited and hosted by the owner to lead the meeting


I specify that I ask the question for someone else who used zoom with a paid account

for my part I wanted to make a zoom recording on my smartphone, to see where the recording was going to be stored, but I can't find the save button, so probably the option is only available for paying accounts to record on smartphones? Because I have a free account, do I have to subscribe to take the test, it would really help me a lot to find a solution, because otherwise the person has to make a new video if they can't find the recording they did, thank you very much for your precise help


working know