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hiding video participants


During a virtual hearing with, the judge, my ex and our attorneys, my ex's video showed for about 2 seconds while he told the judge that he was present. His video then disappeared from my screen. I could still see the judge and both attorneys but not the ex. My attorney told me that he could see him during the entire hearing. How was he able to hide his video from only me? I was told this couldn't be done?!?  By hiding his video from me, was he still able to see mine? Thanks for responding. 


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee



The host of the meeting will not be able to completely remove participants from view, however, they can "spotlight" certain participants in your view. The video below will breakdown the spotlight feature.


You can click the "participants" tab on your toolbar during the meeting to see a full list of who is currently in attendance of the meeting. This will show all users despite if their video is in your view.


Hope this helps. If this answers your question, please accept as solution.