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creating breakout rooms via poll


New Zoom functionality allows users to create breakout rooms from the results of a mid-meeting poll.


It also allows admins to cap breakout room attendance when creating the rooms.


My question: What does the system do when the number of attendees who have expressed interest in a given breakout room exceeds the max cap set by the admin?


For example, if a poll shows that 10 people want to join breakout room #1 and the admin sets max capacity at 8, how is it decided which 8 ppl make it into the room... and what happens to the other 2?


Thanks in advance for any feedback/resources you have to share!



Did you ever get an answer to this, @HRadvocate ?

Unfortunately, Zoom was a no-show to multiple conversations that we scheduled to talk this through, and I had to figure it out on my own. In essence, setting a max room capacity simply lets the system know when a second (or third or fourth, etc.) room under the same topic needs to be created to accommodate poll interest. So, if your goal is to confine learners for a given topic to a single room, setting a room max in conjunction with a poll will not be beneficial. In my example above, I'm still not sure what determines which 8 of the 10 interested learners make it to room #1 before room #2 is created, but at least I now know that room #2 is created to accommodate the overflow. I hope that helps!

That's exactly the intel I was hoping for! Thank you! It actually suits my use case perfectly. (Dividing up our customers based on their self-reported level of seniority in their companies, but I have no idea what mix of people is going to show up.)