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Unable to use video in meetings because of picture distortion


Hello, I've been using Zoom for a while, and apart from the screen freezing from time to time, I've had no problems. This week, however, in two different meetings, each with one other person, our video pictures started flickering wildly and jumping all over the place, so badly that we had to shut down the video and switch to audio only. I've never had this problem before, and I wonder if anyone else has, and if so, how it can be fixed? I did try asking Zoom support but they said they were unable to respond at the moment. Many thanks. 



I had the same thing.  Here is what I found is working for me:


Within a live Zoom Meeting, on the Video Icon at the bottom left of the Zoom Meeting screen, click the arrow on the right of hte Video icon.  Then choose Video Settings.  Then scroll to the bottom and choose Advanced.  Then ensure the "Optimize Video Quality with De-Noise" has no check in the box, and the box is not blue.  If the box has a check in it and is blue, uncheck the box and it will turn clear.  The following should have checks in their blue boxes:  Video Processing, Send Video, Receiving Video.  Nothing else needs to be changed.  Next, choose the Back Arrow at the top left of that box to return back to the live Zoom Meeting. See if this works for you as it did fo rme.  

Thanks! I'm going to try it. I'm having the same problem.

Hi, thanks so much for this - I have a meeting this week, so I'll try it then and see if it works 🙂

This worked after months of serious video break up difficulties! Thanks


Thanks! I'm going to try it. I'm having the same issue. 


We had a similar problem yesterday (5 Feb 2023) for the first time since we started using Zoom more than two years ago. It occurred only intermittently, about three or four times during a particular person's talk, and then settled down. The audio remained fine all the time, so we continued the meeting during the disturbance.


What was happening was that the top half of the speaker's video was getting covered with distorted videos of a couple of other participants, while the bottom half was OK. Distorted means they were stretched across, and as you say flickering wildly and jumping.


Thanks for sharing this, aaill-UK - I've switched computers and the problem seems to have resolved itself. I'll switch back next time and see what happens. I hope your problem sorts itself out too 🙂

Contributor III
Contributor III

If your video continues to be distorted, open Zoom while not in a meeting and select the Settings gear, then choose the Video tab and select Advanced to adjust these options. Make sure the correct camera is chosen and that the box beside Turn off my video when joining meeting isn't checked. Reinstall Zoom.


Hope this helps,