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Team Accounts & Pro Upgrades


I have a Free account registered under my company email. My boss has a pro account, and he placed me under the Pro umbrella for the team.  This change happened weeks ago and still has not been registered.  I double-checked with my boss, alerting him that the change did not go through, but he ensured me that on his end the upgrade was made.  


Is there something I need to do on my end to affect the upgrade to Pro?  What am I not understanding about this situation?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Help4 ,


    Thank you for reaching out to the. Zoom Community! In order to investigate this further, I would highly recommend reaching out to your boss to confirm if they added you to their account with a new email address. If further assistance is needed after that, please submit a Zoom Suppor ticket so that our team can investigate the account further for an exact resolution.



Thanks for getting back to me.  


I already confirmed it twice with my boss. I imagine asking a third time would imply that he is some sort of moron, so I'd rather avoid that. 


I'd love to submit a support ticket. Christ, I tried to find a support email to use before posting here. I called your 800 number and entered my host number and that other 6 digit number, and they said they couldn't find me.  I called another version of the number and was actually - swear to god - hung up on by your automated service. If I could reach through this screen and give your company a review, I'd love to spill a drink - a lukewarm and non-harmful but still able to stain liquid - in your customer service apparatuses' face. 


Can you please provide me a clear, non-garbled, non-chat-bot direction to this magical Zoom Support Ticket doorway?  




And really, it's a terrible look to gamify my frustration, to gamify a customer support community. You've awarded me a 'chatty' badge for that last post? I received an email about that. Are you serious?  Chatty?  Do you think I want to be here? Do you think 'chatty' is the right word for my current behavior, for this situation?  


I want help. Not a pat on the back for asking for it. 



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Help4 ,

     I would like to continue assisting you with this request, however, please keep your replies professional and respectful. I understand the frustration, but please understand that I have limited information on what you have provided in your initial response, and am here to assist the best I can. With that being said, if the owner of the account merged you to his account, you would come over as a basic user unless/until he applies a pro license to your account. If your boss is stating that the change shows correctly on his end, then there can be a few things causing this behavior:

1. Your boss has added you to the account but has not yet applied a Pro license to your email.


2. If we are launching meetings from our email, there could be a free account tied to that email system that is being used instead of the Pro account.


3. A back-end sync needs to be performed by Zoom Support to refresh the database on the back end.


Since you are unable to put in a support ticket (most likely due to being only a member on your boss's account), please have your boss submit a ticket on your behalf so that our team can further assist towards root cause and resolution.


Thank you!


No disrespect to you intended, Zoomer.  I appreciate your help and your recent message, which has helped clear up a path forward.  Thank you!  


Disrespect and unprofessionalism I intended to aim at Zoom Support. My goal was to apply an amount proportional to my lost time and reception of unprofessional 'Chatty' badges. Seriously, degamify this place. Or don't. It's pitifully comedic. 


Have a splendid day

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Thank you @Help4 ! I am glad that I could assist with a more clear path of action moving forward. I will also reach out to the moderators to discuss the automated badges, as I can certainly see the issues arising with these. Thank you again and have a wonderful rest of your week!