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Sound problems with AirPods Max/Windows 11


This is a very weird issue. As of recent, in some Zoom meetings, my AirPods Max switch from the usual "AirPods Max"  to "AirPods Max - Find My" in my Bluetooth settings. Whenever this happens, the audio is ridiculously loud  and muffled and there's no way to turn it down. I can operate the volume bar but it doesn't register. There's no way for me to switch back to the usual "AirPods Max" in Zoom or Windows settings and reconnecting them also doesn't work. The only way to reconnect back to normal sound is to leave the Zoom meeting, upon which I automatically reconnect to "AirPods Max" with normal sound quality and control. This ONLY happens in Zoom meetings, which is why I'm posting here and not at Apple or Windows boards. 


This is very annoying because I literally can't participate in Zoom meetings whenever this happens. I don't have any other options at the moment except for connecting my AirPods to my PC with a cable (which I have yet to order...).  Has anyone else experienced this?



I have experienced the exact same issue as above with my airpod pros


Any luck? I used to use my airpod pros on Windows 10 with no issue. I just upgraded to Windows 11 and now I have that "find my" added to my airpods when selecting the audio source in Zoom. I can't get any audio out of them in zoom, but they work just fine in other applications. 

That's exactly the issue I have now. I only have audio when I connect them with an AUX cable.


I am having the same issue. It has been driving me crazy for weeks. My Airpods work in ALL other applications while connected to my laptop with the exception of Zoom. I use Zoom almost daily for work and this is becoming a serious issue. I have to call in from my phone to get any audio. 🙄

A fix would greatly be appreciated!

Following, I have the same issue. It is a huge problem at this point because I teach classes on Zoom, and my AirPods make crackling and static noise sounds on my end AND people listening to me talking also hear the same thing. Aft first it was only happening when I was sharing Spotify music in Zoom but now it happens all the time and sometimes the sound drops out completely so I can't hear anything (no music or people talking), and folks can still hear music (clear or static noise disrupting the music) I'm sharing but not my voice.