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Remote Control button on desktop / iphone


Hi there,


I am a paid license user and have read most of the posts relating to remote control and I am still unable to use find the remote control button no matter on deskop or iphone which I have already done the below: 

1. Enabled the remote control setting 

2. Updated to latest version 5.11.4




Can someone help with that as we are unable to interact with the participants. Thanks. 



Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Hi @Amenda 


you mean to control the slides?

(Attached configuration) once the remote user must share, you will have to request or you will have to delegate so that you can control.





Or do you mean remote support to control the remote computer? (like teamviewer or anydesk)

(Attached configuration)





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Hi David-Vola,


Thanks for the reply - it's the lower one that you are mentioning but it isn't working even I have set it, what I found is, the host is unable to give remote control to the participant anymore and only the participant CAN REQUEST the host to give authority and this involve an approval process. I believe I understand why now. 


@ Zoom I believe a clearer statement should be announced to users would help with most of the posts relating to remote control, especially who had experienced the original design of remote control (i.e. host can give participants the rights to control directly throught their toolbar). Please correct me if I am wrong that host can still give authority to participants directly and appreciate if anyone can show me) 


This is the current solution, has to be the participant to direct request remot control and host to approve. 


#Remote control 






Hello, I am a paid user using a PC and I have noticed that the remote control button when sharing a document does not appear at all if the participant is using an iphone or ipad. I have to make them a co-host instead. I would prefer not to have to do this but this is the only solution i've discovered so far. Is there a way to make the remove control button appear when sharing regardless of the participants device?