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Raise Hand Function causes participants windows to shuffle around and is disturbing


Hi there,


We run very large zoom meetings of up to 1000 participants and when people want to ask questions they use the raise hand function. This causes all the little participant videos to constantly shuffle around on the gallery view and this is very disturbing for our presenters.


Is there a way for the individual video windows to not shuffle around so much?


Thank you in advance

With love,



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



The following features have been added in 5.14.0 on March 20, 2023


Meeting features

  • Additional gallery view sorting options 
    Hosts can sort the order of video tiles in Gallery view, choosing from options including sorting by first name (ascending and descending), last name (ascending and descending) and meeting entry time (ascending and descending). This feature must be enabled for use by an admin in web settings.

Release notes for Windows – Zoom Support

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



This is by design and many (most?) of us find it very useful.  


When interacting with about 25 or 49  or fewer participants , it is possible to see all your participants at once in Gallery View. Therefore, you may be able to have participants simply physically raise their hands in their videos in order to signal to you that they want to share something.

However, once the number of participants in a Zoom session increases, it will become more difficult to see who has their hand raised; further, you may not be able to see everyone’s video at the same time in Gallery View. This is when Zoom’s “Raise Hand” function can be useful.


Once you understand how the sort works it becomes a useful function.



Order of participants listed in a Zoom meeting

Names in the Participants panel appear in the following order:

  1. You
  2. The host (If you’re not the host)
  3. Co-hosts, if any 
  4. Participants with Raised Hands, in order of first raised to last raised
  5. Unmuted online participants
  6. Unmuted dial-in participants
  7. Muted online participants
  8. Muted dial-in phone



 Perhaps rely on the Zoom meeting Q&A function instead. 




If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!


Thank you for your response. The issues is when we have large meetings with 1000 people as soon as anyone raises their virtual hands all the participants on each page shuffle around. Its useful to have all the raised hands on the first page but for every page to shuffle around constantly is very distracting. There must be a way for the algorithm for this to not happen, please help.