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Problem with Join Zoom Meeting button in Google calendar event listing


Here is my problem.  I generally access my Zoom meetings via Google Calendar.  I click on the Google calendar event listing and a further event window pops up.  I click on the Join Zoom Meeting button and initiate the process of getting into the meeting.  However starting last Tues. when I try to click on that Join Zoom Meeting button, the cursor begins to flicker and I am unable to access the meeting.  If I go to my Zoom login page and access the meeting there, I get in no problem, but I prefer to use Google Calendar because of its ease.  I have no idea why this is happening--HELP!!



Does your company use SSO?

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***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***


I am having this same problem. Any solutions yet? I can't find much on it when I Google. Many thanks!

You may have to reauthorize Zoom for GCal.

Please remember to mark responses as accepted if they resolve your issue.
***Sometimes success is only achieved through many failures!***


I've tried all obvious things, please fix this!! Help!

Going bonkers.


I think I figured it out if it is the same problem I was having - I couldn't click on the Zoom link within and calendar invitation to go to the meeting. It just flashed at me. Go to your calendar, go to settings, then Get add Ons. Install Zoom for Gsuite. I hope that helps! 


For a long while all you had to do was paste the body of any kind of invite into the Description area of a Google Event, Save it and done. When you open the event there was a ZOOM button that took to the event whether you had the app installed or through a webpage. ALL GONE. I think it was when Google started doing their own it all went awry.


AND I think I just got it back to this:

Get ZOOM Scheduler for your Browser. Have a Google Calendar installed, made, imported, or open via URL. Open an Event. Then take the body of your eMail Invite and paste it into the Description of a Google Event and or paste the FULL URL into the Location Field, fill in all your info for the event, save and reopen and there should be a big ZOOM Button that all you have to de is press. It'll take you to the app if installed or via a web browser. That's it.


This should also work if you have Zoom for GSuite installed.