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Need help


Hi everyone,


I am a new Zoom member and I have some questions for you (i'm french so sorry for my bad english) ;

First of all, I have to precise that I haven't bought a professionnal Zoom account yet (maybe it can explain some problems I had). 


I would like to organise a training with 16 people and I would like to divide them into 8 sub-groups. 

I made a technical test on tuesday and here are the problems I had :


- first, when I clicked on my Zoom invitation, I received the message "please wait for the host to invite you" (the problem was that....I was the host so I didn't manage to open the invitation properly). Do you know what I have to do exactly as the host to open a Zoom invitation and to autorise people to come ?


- then, I divided the people in sub-groups but in a tuto video, I saw that normally, we're supposed to have options (like for example "close the rooms in XX minutes automatically" and I didn't see those options. I could juste assign people in rooms but no more options. Do you know if it's normal ? Is it related to the fact that I didn't buy a professional account ?


- my last question is : to divide people in sub-groups, do I have to pay a Zoom room offer ? I see the price (one room is like 36  € per month but it seems really expensive cause I need 8 rooms (I think I make a confusion cause the sub-groups seem included in the basic and free offer but since I have no options (cf question 2), I don't know if I have to buy this offer).


Thank you very much for your help !



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @MylGrel 


About -first

From the following questions, it seems that the meeting itself can be started, so I don't think it is an app issue.
Are you signed in to Zoom client app, before you click on the Zoom invitation?


About 2nd question

The option appears in the Basic plan.
The version of the client app may be out of date. Try upgrading the client to the latest version.


About Last question

Breakout rooms are included in the Basic Plan, so there is no need to sign up for a Room license.
The Room license is a license tied to the device. Then you do not need it.

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