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Meetings ending randomly.


Hi all! I manage scheduling all the meetings in my company and each of the meetings we have an alternative host (incase anyone is out and needs to cover). We have noticed that for example:  Ashley is in a current meeting BUT is also an alternative host to Tom's meeting - Tom is trying to start his meeting however get a notification to "end other meeting" which will kick off Ashley in her current one. IS THERE A WAY I CAN PREVENT THIS?


- Also, meetings randomly ending?! Is this because it's over the assigned time frame? HELP!


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @SKS-1 

Based on what you described "Ashley is in a current meeting BUT is also an alternative host to Tom's meeting - Tom is trying to start his meeting however get a notification to"end other meeting" it sounds like both meetings were scheduled by the same user, which is why they cannot be active at the same time. Even though one of them is the alternative host and the actual host may not be present, Zoom users are by default limited to hosting just 1 meeting per user. 

To resolve this, you would need to ensure that the person scheduling the meetings is not double-booking their account. If they need to book for multiple people at the same time, I'd suggest they use scheduling privilege, which allows a user to schedule meetings directly for other users, rather than just assign them alternate host rights. 


Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.


My account is an "admin" account which allows me to schedule for each of my staff members. Do they have to give me "scheduling privileges" in order for it to make a difference? Am I still able to assign alternative host as well ?