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How do I stop meetings from ending if I leave as the host


I am the host of a meeting, if I leave the meeting the meeting ends.  I know I can move the host to someone else, but is there a setting which allows me to stop this from happening so if a host leaves on any meeting it doesn't end?  I don't want to have to change host averytime?




I have the same problem. I do not understand why, for a commercial account, the host cannot leave the meeting and let it continue. I do understand why this is not a good idea for a free account.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @matthewdewstowe  and @PiaHawaii,,


 See this Zoom Support article for details:


All you need to do is select someone to be the Host after you leave. If you are the only person in the meeting, your only option is to close the meeting on exit. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

the OP specifically said " I know I can move the host to someone else, but is there a setting which allows me to stop this from happening so if a host leaves on any meeting it doesn't end?  I don't want to have to change host everytime?"


That makes your solution unsatisfactory. Is there any option to manage this on enterprise level?

I have configured "alternative hosts" on the meeting's settings. I assumed this would allow the meeting to continue after I left as host, but that does not seem to be the case or how "alternative hosts" is intended to work. I don't always get a prompt to switch hosts before leaving, and I pretty regularly forget that I am the host of a meeting that's been in existence for awhile and participants are allowed to join before me. This  seems like a common problem for folks. Hopefully an enhancement can be added to the backlog to somehow allow for seemless transition between host and additional hosts when the host leaves. 


Thats all very well if you plan to leave and can assign someone else - however this morning I dropped out of zoom (?interet ? zoom ? battery failure) and everyone else dropped off - without a feature to continue the meeting without the host (at least for the 5 minutes it takes to reconnect) is very disruptive and uncompassionate about what happens in the "real world"

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Designate someone as Co-Host. They will become Host if your access is cut off. When you rejoin, you’ll be given the opportunity to reclaim Host. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.