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Host is in another meeting


I have successfully used the same method of scheduling a meeting from December 2020 to July 2021. Invitees have joined the meetings with no problem. This is how:


I would schedule the meeting on my Desktop zoom and send invites to people via hotmail the day before.


If, for instance, I had scheduled the meeting for 7-30 pm then on the day I would sign into my iPad at 7-15 pm and start the meeting and then admit participants via the Waiting Room.


However, now I follow the same routine but Participants get a message saying ‘The Host is in another meeting’.


I am not in another meeting.

I have no other meetings scheduled.

I have no recurring meetings scheduled.

I have Ended previous meetings correctly.

I have changed the names of meetings.

I am using zoom version 5.7.4 ( 827 )


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


Zoom is being upgraded every month, so there may be inconsistencies in meetings that were scheduled a long time ago.
I think that if you try to edit and save the meeting, the problem may go away.

Dear Ohkawa, thank you for your reply. I should have added that I use a new 'Schedule meeting' form for each meeting.  I don't use a 'Schedule meeting' from past meetings. Any thoughts? Best wishes, Terry

This has not worked for me - I still have trouble joining some meetings and others have trouble joining mine - this has happened with recurring meetings and with one time meetings - all scheduled in advance.





Terry 138

I have been having the same problem as you describe beginning in July 2021.  What I have been doing is asking the invitees to text me when they get that "Host is in another meeting" message.  I then send them another invite by email and it works.  I wish someone would tell me how to fix this.  BarbaraZ


I have this issue too. BarabaZ was it ever fixed for you?


Dear Barbara, this is how I solved the problem.


I schedule the zoom meeting as usual on my desk top. For instance:

T138 meeting

7-30 pm


With the settings of video and audio as I want them.

Then send the invite to people.


At 7-15 pm on the day I would sign into zoom using my ipad and go to meetings so as to open the meeting 15 minutes before the designated time so people could be admitted and the meeting gets going at 7-30 pm on time.


When I went to meetings the screen would show:

T138 meeting ( with time and meeting id )    Start   Send Invitation    Edit

 I would click on Start.


That is where I was going wrong


I found that I had to first click on the T138 details on the left of the screen and it would then show:


T138 meetings     Start   Add Invitees  Edit   Delete


Now it works ok.


Hope this helps




Very frustrating! I was able to get support on this from Zoom and they found the problem. There's a toggle buried deep in the settings that allows us to start a meeting using our PMID (Personal Meeting ID) and for no apparent reason, mine had been turned off. (Conspiracy theories, anyone?!) Read this: