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Glitch after breakout rooms - no camera and mic


I run an online school and some students use Zoom PWA, some join meetings with their Chrome browser, and others use Zoom app on their PC or MAC. Many students have been losing mic and audio upon returning to the main session after being in a breakout room. Others lose mic and audio as soon as they get into the breakout room. The only solution we have found is to leave the meeting and re-join. Is this a Zoom for web browser issue or are others experiencing this when joining meetings on Zoom PWA (on Chromebooks) or with their laptop Zoom app? Any solutions? 



I am having a related problem using Zoom PWA.  The audio and video work fine when I am assigned to  breakout room.  However, when the host closes the breakout rooms, I lose the video but not the audio.  To restore the video, I have to log out of the session and re-enter it.  If there is another breakout session, the same problem occurs with a black screen with the audio continuing.


Students are losing their mic or their camera when entering breakout rooms or returning to the main room.  Some are on phone, some on computer, but issues cross both.


Now, when I go to a breakout room to help, when I return to the main room the chat log is blank - same for some students.  The expected behavior (from past experience) is that chat in the breakout rooms stays with the individual upon return to the main room, but no one else can see it - and ALL have access to the chat log for the main room for entire class.


I'm on Mac OS 13.0, connecting using the Zoom app that I just updated (and restarted my computer) and had no problems last week.  Is the update messing things up?


What happened?