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Deployment of Zoom Client with Microsoft Intune - LOB or Win32 ?


Hello Community,


Our company deploys software exclusively via Microsoft Intune app management. We commonly use line-of-business (LOB) deployment apps. I see some references where Win32 might be better to accommodate additional command-line arguments.


My question:

Who is leveraging LOB or Win32?   Also, if you tell us why for extra points 😉



  • Command-line arguments: Optionally, enter any command-line arguments that you want to apply to the .msi file when it runs. An example is /q. Do not include the msiexec command or arguments, such as /i or /x, as they are automatically used. For more information, see Command-Line Options. If the .MSI file needs additional command-line options consider using Win32 app management.



What is app management in Microsoft Intune? | Microsoft Docs

Add a Windows line-of-business app to Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Docs




Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @Gandolf!


We think this would be a great question for our Developer Forum ( , where Zoom Marketplace Developers can ask questions for public answers.

If you can’t find the answer in the Developer Forum or your request requires sensitive information to be relayed, please email


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