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Can't Find Recordings


I just recorded a meeting but can't find the recording. The zoom link was provided by someone else, but I was a cohost on the meeting and was able to record. There was a spoken recording confirmation from zoom and a recording icon in the top of my computer (a mac). The meeting ended before I could end the recording, so maybe that had something to do with it?

I'm not sure if I was signed in or not during the meeting. I don't have cloud recordings. I checked the default recording folder, but it's empty. I also checked the recordings tab of my zoom account, and it does not have this recording there, nor is the meeting listed anywhere.

Is there any way to access this recording? Is it gone?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hey there! The Could Recording will reside in the original Host's account. As a Co-Host, you can start / stop the cloud recording but the actually recording stays w/ the Host.