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How to upload webinar recordings to youtube


I recorded a webinar, it generated 6 files (as below) and stored in zoom's cloud. How can I upload the file to youtube with Shared screen with speaker view + speaker view (just like the live webinar with shared screen on the left and speak thumbnail on the right)?


- shared screen with speaker view

- shared screen with gallery view

- Speaker view

- Gallery view
- Audio only

Hope you can help with a solution 🙂





Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello, Rebecca. Here are the steps to put a Zoom recording on YouTube.

  1. Download the MP4 recording if it is in the Cloud. If locally, you already have the recording, and no need to download it. If you have multiple MP4 files, I would use the one that is 1920x1080. That is a great size for YouTube videos. 
  2. Go to YouTube and sign in. 
  3. Click Upload Video - See the attached image for a screenshot.
  4. Click Select Files or drag and drop. 
  5. Run through the steps adding a video Title, description, etc. - Another Screenshot
  6. Decide if you want the video Public or Unlisted. That will be one of the steps when you have to select.

I hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you need.

Your solution begins with downloading those 6 files to your computer. On the Zoom Portal go to Recordings, click the " ••• " button and select "Download (6 files)".


At that point you can go to your YouTube Studio page and select "Upload Video" to upload your Zoom Recordings. I might suggest creating and saving them into a YouTube Playlist.

Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 3.30.36 PM.png


Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 3.36.57 PM.png



Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @rebecca214,


The quick answer is, it's two steps: download the video file you want from Zoom, then upload the file to YouTube.


Beyond that, I'm not sure what level of information you're looking for.  You can download all of the videos from Zoom and view each one to see which one you want -- it's most likely the "shared screen with gallery view".


Let me know if you need additional help on reviewing and downloading Zoom recordings; also if you need specific help with uploading to YouTube.  Please consider enabling Private Messaging here on the Zoom Community, and you can request more personalized help without sharing personal information about your accounts.  

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.