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Welcome to the Zoom Community--Introduce Yourself!

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi everyone! šŸ‘‹šŸ½


Welcome to the Zoom Community! Iā€™m Bri, and Iā€™m one of the community moderators here at Zoom. Weā€™re SUPER excited to have you here in this collaborative space! We would love to get to know our community members. Please reply below to introduce yourself! šŸ‘‡šŸ½


Iā€™ll go first šŸ˜Ž šŸ’™


Location: Memphis, TN šŸ»


Favorite things to do: Writing, watching sports & going on late-night Taco Bell runs šŸŒ®


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? Two years! šŸš€šŸš€


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? I love anything that showcases nice home decor and a view  šŸ™


ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year? A 10-year-oldā€™s surprise birthday party šŸŽ‚


Letā€™s give our Zoom Community members a warm welcome!!! šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½


As a friendly reminder, if you havenā€™t already done so please review our Community Guidelines.


welcome gify.gif


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270 REPLIES 270

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Yay @Bri ! Love this šŸ¤— 

Hey all I'm Virginia - but you can also call me VA - I'm a moderator here at the Zoom Community and I am so excited to meet you all! 

Location:  Denver, CO šŸ”


Favorite things to do: Road trips, reading, pretending I'm a gardener, and friendly debates about Star Trek 


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? Same as Bri! Two years šŸ’™ 


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? Anything that showcases a holiday or season, I love changing it up regularly! šŸ‚ā˜ƒļøšŸ–


ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year?  A friends wedding!  šŸ’

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Amazing.great to know you. Stay safe.


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

So happy to hear that! Nice to meet you šŸ˜Š

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I need help to move my plan from basic to licenced.



Are still there?

Hello! I need yor help to fix a problem with my account.


Hi, my name is Josephine, I can't see the meetings on Zoom, it was okay but now I can't, can you help me, please? Thank you.

Hello nice to know you guys!

Hello and thank you for the warm welcome. I've used Zoom off and on for a couple years, and am trying to take some of the courses in the Zoom Learning Center in order to both better familiarize myself and help out a sister. Both of us are screen reader users, and really appreciate all the hard work that has gone into Zoom development.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

We appreciate you for sharing this! There's definitely plenty to learn in the Zoom Community and the Zoom Learning Center šŸ˜Ž

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Gracias hola feliz zoom

@VA wrote:

Yay @Bri ! Love this šŸ¤— 

Hey all I'm Virginia - but you can also call me VA - I'm a moderator here at the Zoom Community and I am so excited to meet you all! 

Location:  Denver, CO šŸ”


Favorite things to do: Road trips, reading, pretending I'm a gardener, and friendly debates about Star Trek 


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? Same as Bri! Two years šŸ’™ 


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? Anything that showcases a holiday or season, I love changing it up regularly! šŸ‚ā˜ƒļøšŸ–


ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year?  A friends wedding!  šŸ’


Location: Porto, PT




Favorite things to do: Writing, watching sports, painting and playing piano 




How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? Three years! 






Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? I love anything that showcases nice home decor and a view  




ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year? An English Course during three months 






nice too meet you

My first inquiry - I teach yoga virtually and would like to play music in background when conducting a class.  But the music does not come through to my students clearly - sound is sketchy and mufflied.   What can I do??



Check your audio settings. You probably want them set to Original Sound for Musicians. 

GSI, MCCTĀ® Certified Trainer, RPR Certified, ABRĀ®, PSAĀ®, SFRĀ®, RSPSĀ®, C2EXĀ®, AHWD

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello!! šŸ‘‹ It's here, Zoom Community! šŸš€


Hello you wonderful people, I am Riley, the Zoom Community Moderator, and I'm super excited to meet you all and collaborate on all things Zoom! Here are some interesting things about me... šŸ„šŸ„šŸ„


Location:  Kansas City! (Super Bowl LIV champs and best BBQ!) šŸ—ā¤ļøšŸ’›


Favorite things to do: Experiencing new places! It's gaming time! Experimenting with new foods! TikTok and scrolling! Things that keep me entertained are pretty basic. šŸ˜„


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? Same as @Bri and @VA - 2 years! 


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? Have you thought about using a video as a background? It's something I'm all for! The bouncing DVD logo is my all-time favorite. It's a little distracting, but it keeps meetings interesting as everyone waits for it to bounce into the corner perfectly.


ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year?  Family Thanksgiving! 

Zoom Community Moderator

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Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

This is fun @Bri !


I'm Evan, the Web Content Creator for Zoom's Help Center! We're excited to have all Zoom users here to share ideas, solve problems and get to networking!


Location: Fort Collins, CO ā›°


Favorite things to do: Watch Kansas basketball ā¤ļøšŸ’™, visit local craft breweries šŸ» and snuggle my kittens šŸ±


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? 3ļøāƒ£ years!


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? Anything that shows my Jayhawk pride!


ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year? My cousins choir performance šŸŽ¶

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

@evanratt Rock Chalk!

Zoom Community Moderator

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I'll bite (not really! šŸ˜)

Location: Bellevue, WA

Favorite things to do: Working, dining (in or out), watching the detectives,  SMTWA - Social Media Time Wasters Anonymous (I know, I need a better acronym!)

How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? 1.41 years.

Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? Blur

ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year? Nothing notable <sigh>.



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Lol! Welcome to the community @dwrogers  šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰

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 Welcome @dwrogerscheck out OnZoom and explore a ton of unique events for you to attend virtually! Including ones all about food and drinks!

lol "nothing notable"- There, there, pal. šŸ¤£

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi Bri! Loving this so muchšŸ˜Ž


Hey everyone, my name is Andre Kar and I'm currently a Community & Social Media intern here at Zoom. It's so great to meet you all!


Location: San Ramon, CA (East Bay Area!) 

Favorite things to do: traveling, writing, snowboarding, and going to music festivals

How long I've been using Zoom: since March 2020 (the start of the pandemic, for online classes at UCSB!) 

Go-to virtual background: anything with the beach, or anything with forest vibes!

Most unique Zoom event I attended in the last year: my fraternity at UCSB hosted a virtual alumni panel where our members got to interact and network with professionals in several different fields! 


Hello all,

Location: NY, NY šŸ—½


Favorite things to do: Spending time with my family,  time outdoors in nature šŸŒ³, reading šŸ“š, running, movies, people watching, coaching, teaching, facilitating, cooking & eating šŸ½..


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? Just looked back and see I have been on Zoom meetings since 2015 and have been using for workshop facilitation since 2016! (Wow, didn't realize I'm so "seasoned"! )


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? I always use my neat and tidy clean apartment in the background. šŸ˜‰


What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year? A Zoom funeral and a Zoom wedding shower.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Since 2015?! That's AMAZING! We're glad to have you here šŸ˜Š

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Can you tell me how I can change the time of appointment I have with a zoom helper?




my name is Lynnit was taken at christmasit was taken at christmas

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi šŸ‘‹I tend to take a lot of photos around the holidays as well šŸ˜. Welcome to the community! 

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Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi from Long Island, New York.

I'm part of an Italian Genealogical Group

We Have been using Zoom Webinar since over a year.

Our Logo is sometimes used as a background.

Member interactive help sessions.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @Italiangen2022! Welcome and thanks for sharing all the cool ways you've been using Zoom šŸ˜Ž

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Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

@titan a family reunion on Zoom? That sounds like a lot of fun! šŸ˜

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Good for you! 


Hi Bri,

Thank you for the welcome.

I'm based in London, UK

I like playwrighting, going to theatre and good food!

Been using Zoom for about 3 years - 1 year for my own workshops.

My go to virtual background is anything to do with nature, landscapes, planets, oceans etc.

Most exciting Zoom event was a Zoom theatre production - was amazing.


Hope I can get some help here, look forward to being part of the community.


Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

@labass7 Welcome! I'd imagine watching a Zoom theatre production would be like watching a movie where you could see everyone's reactions šŸ˜

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Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Hello from Indonesia!


Location: Jakarta, Indonesia


Favorite things to do: Riding my Gravel Bike! 


How long Iā€™ve been using Zoom? 4-5 years! šŸš€šŸš€


Whatā€™s your go-to virtual background? Zoom virtual background "whats make me happy" & some cafe background.


ā€‹ā€‹What's the most unique Zoom event you've attended in the last year? Our Indonesia President Mr. Jokowi Zoom events that supported by Us(PT. Kayreach System) & Zoom Teams!



I am Zoom Enthusiast (Part of PT. Kayreach System, Indonesia Authorized Reseller, Certified Zoom Room, Zoom Phone, and Pro AV Integrator)

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

@Nafi I love that background! We're so glad to have you here in the Zoom Community šŸ’™

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