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Gallery view disappears on iPad while screen sharing


Hi community, I can’t see other participants video while I share a content on my IPad. I used to work on iPad for last 2 years and didn’t have problem like this. But suddenly it happened, probably because of the new zoom version idk. 
I’m a teacher so I have to see the group in order to ask them questions but now it’s quite impossible for me to work on my iPad. 

is there anything I can do? 

I saw similar questions but they all are pretty old and about computer version of zoom not iPad 


tnank you in advance 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

If you are just using the iPad to share iPad specific content you may find it easier to mange everything if you host the meeting on a multi-screen computer then screen share the iPad on the host computer using the advanced tab of screen share which shares the iPad via AirPlay (works for windows or Mac host computer), especially if you have more than a few students. Then the iPad is not a separate device in the meeting, but appears as a shared screen of the host computer. Then you can go to more > show meeting windows > view (upper right) > gallery, and view and organize the gallery. Now what ever you do on the iPad is fully visible to the students and there are no limitations on the iPad because of the Zoom app. Your mic and speaker are now on the host computer. Any audio played on the iPad is now shared from the host computer and the volume is controllable by the iPad's volume (to the students and the host computer) and the host computer volume controls what you hear locally. So you can share music, videos, content from streaming apps, etc.

i didn’t get it. Do I need extra computer for this? I have only iPad and I don’t have other computers. I used to

work on iPad all the time but it looks like zoom app limited their functions for iPad. Is it possible do downgrade my zoom version? 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

By design  an iPad device has limited functionality. Screen sharing the screen on the iPad has been improved to show the entire screen to the host and the participants, which includes showing the other participants video at the bottom of the screen and the screen says "You are sharing screen". Clicking the minus sign will minimize those participants to a camera icon in the lower right. Clicking the plus sign will display the other participants in a left/right scroll-able line of videos. When the entire  home screen of the iPad is displayed Zoom is minimized to a small window that can be moved to anywhere on the screen and displays one of the participants. If it is moved off the screen that window will now be reduced to a tab with an arrow. If you tap the arrow it will return to the small window. If you tap the small window it will re-display Zoom.

If you select focus mode from the more menu that small window will display the Host video. Unfortunately, by design the iPad can not display the iPad screen and apps inside of Zoom so it can not display the participants on a next page since a "NEXT PAGE" is a next page on the iPad not in any app. This is a limitation of IOS for security reasons.

So if you MUST see all the participants while screen sharing they are going to be visible only in the Zoom app which you had to minimize to see the iPad screen and you will need to restore to see them, which of course is still displaying your screen share, but now it is displaying the Zoom app. If you use the iPad's slide over function you can toggle back to Zoom. If you use split screen you can see Zoom on 1/2 the screen (and the participants will see what you see).

So, yes, a second device is the best choice to view all participants while screen sharing the screen on an iPad. That second device can be an Android Phone, iPhone, an Apple TV 4K, a PC, a MAC, etc. Surely you must have an iPhone or Android Phone that could be used. On your phone there will be a gallery page because that device is not screen sharing. That device could even be used as a second camera to do a show-and-tell.