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Exit app when I close the window


It is absolutely frustrating every time I close a zoom meeting the application remains open and minimizes itself to the notifications area. Who thought this was a good idea? I would like to close the application and be done with it. This becomes a multi-step process to close out of zoom after every meeting that is a waste of my time. It's even more infuriating that there is no way to turn this option off. I've searched the forum for similar posts and the zoom team marked it as solved. The issue is NOT solved hence why I am resurfacing this issue. It's a complete disregard to the end user and such a waste of resources. 


Please develop a real solution for this problem before closing out this topic.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



It would be equally frustrating for the hundreds of thousands of users and teams  who use Zoom for team chat (IM), Phone services and many other Zoom real time services if the app quit the way that you describe.


 It's very easy to shut down the Zoom app from the Zoom menu. I do it all the time.


Screen Shot 2023-05-12 at 9.46.19 AM.png



Zoom welcomes your ideas, requests or comments about Zoom. If ypu submit some feedback through the feedback form maybe they can find a new method.

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How so? In that case, those users would just minimize the app like how every single other app works. I'm hitting close on purpose. And it doesn't close, the app simply minimizes to the task bar, which is annoying and ridiculous. I hit CLOSE. Not MINIMIZE. 

This response from a customer service representative standpoint is completely unacceptable. Every other professional product provides the option to close the program instead of just minimizing it. For users who prefer to minimize, these products have included a simple bit of code to include a checkbox to switch between the two functions of the "X" button.

The fact that Zoom considers this an acceptable response is extremely arrogant.

C'mon, It very clearly does not have to be one or the other... of course we CAN manually quit the app, everyone knows that. Obviously the people asking for this find it frustrating to manually quit the app! To not even attempt to understand why this would be annoying for people is ridiculous. Simply make it something you can opt out of in the settings and then everyone would be happy.


This would not be equally frustrating for hundreds of thousands of users because if these people want to keep these services running they can very easily hit the minimize button that is located two buttons to the left of the EXIT APPLICATION button at the top right of the application. I do it all the time!


The real reason this remains running is so that Zoom can collect data from hundreds of thousands of people that don't bother to take a multi step process to close the application after exiting. Every other respectable computer application closes with one button press. Anything more is nefarious.


I'd also like to suggest adding a thumbs down button so we can downvote bad responses like this one...


Zoom is the only app I use that does not respect when a user clicks the X.  Complaints abound about this behavior and you've had literal years to make your app behave like a normal one.  Who is the genius on your product team that still thinks they know better than your users?


A simple check box in the settings menu to enable and disable this could make everybody happy! User's time that don't use the phone and IM feature is equally important. 

They know that, they know that it is inconvenient but don't allow to do so because they have another incentive. Probably harvest data in the background for $$$ 


@crashnorun wrote:

It is absolutely frustrating every time I close a zoom meeting the application remains open and minimizes itself to the notifications area. Who thought this was a good idea? I would like to close the application and be done with it. This becomes a multi-step process to close out of zoom after every meeting that is a waste of my time. It's even more infuriating that there is no way to turn this option off. I've searched the forum for similar posts and the zoom team marked it as solved. The issue is NOT solved hence why I am resurfacing this issue. It's a complete disregard to the end user and such a waste of resources. 


Please develop a real solution for this problem before closing out this topic.

One option is to right click on the zoom icon in the notification area and select "Exit" to completely close the application after each meeting. You can also try modifying the settings within the Zoom application. Open the zoom settings, go to the General tab, and uncheck the option that says "Keep zoom running in the background when the application is closed" . This might prevent the application from minimizing to the notifications area after closing a meeting. 

Hi MordechaiLeif,

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately I do not see the option to "Keep zoom running in the background when the application is closed". I've updated my zoom client and double checked the general settings. I would love to have that option to uncheck that feature. 



This wastes more time and is frustrating. Other applications actually close when you hit close. Zoom is doing this for stupid business money reasons, not usability reasons. Just put a real option in the app to have the user be able to choose the behavior, but the default really should be for the close button to actually you know, close the application. 


I found a fix to this problem.   Control Panel -> Zoom -> Uninstall.  👍

Unfortunately this is not an options for certain users who have to work with clients that are using Zoom. But I got a chuckle out of this. 


I just use the browser option since the Windows program (Its a program, not an app) is being intrusive.


They know this bothers users but it's been months and keep doing it; employing tactics of malware programs, it's because they find it more valuable to keep operating this way. The only reason that it makes sense to me is to harvest your data while running in the background. Follow the $$$

It's been years, sadly, not months.


I share your frustration with Zoom's automatic minimization after closing a meeting. It's indeed a hassle and a time-waster. The lack of an option to disable this feature is baffling. The so-called "solved" status on the forum is misleading. Zoom should address this issue promptly to improve user experience and respect users' time. Hoping the Zoom team reconsiders and provides a genuine solution soon.


Cannot believe they have programmed the close button to minimize the app, there are effectively two minimize buttons and no way to close the app from the app itself! unbelievable behaviour and shouldn't even be allowed by a Microsoft approved application as its completely counter intuitive to the UI design.

I think the best option is to uninstall and just use the browser app.