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Can't connect to host's group session


I was on a Zoom meeting 1/13/22 hosted out of Texas, and immediately after it ended, a Zoom pop-up asked if I wanted to update (I think to  5.9.1). I accepted.  Today, 1/18/22 when I tried to access another Zoom meeting, locally in Orlando, I could not join the group any longer. The host couldn't even find me in her list to "admit."  She'd send me the proper link and I'd access it and get the little box that states, "Waiting for host to start meeting. You are in Jim Cashions Personal Meeting Room"--with a buffering circle at the top left.  Then NOTHING would happen---or, my video screen would show me.  Just me....not the rest of the group like it normally does.  And the host said other zoomers joined the group fine so it must be on my end.  Since prior to the Update 1/13/22 I have never had any problem getting access to any Zoom groups I was given links to, I assume it was the Update that caused my current problem.  Help!


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @sherrycumpstone thanks for your post on the Zoom Community! From the screenshot it looks like you were able to join the meeting at least to the point that you were in a waiting room. I am wondering if somehow the meeting number or link was mixed up and you ended up in the wrong meeting? 


Just as a quick test can you please go to this link and click on "Join"

- then if it asks you to pick a program choose "" and open link

This should take you into a meeting where you can test your camera, mic, and speakers. Does that work ok?


If so it would be great if you could possibly try joining another meeting as a test and see if this was just a strange/one off issue. 

One future troubleshooting step if the meeting link isn't working for some reason

- in your Zoom Client, if you click the "Join" button, the client will ask for a meeting ID. Type in the 10 or 11 digit number for your meeting and click"Join."

- it will then ask you for the passcode if one has been applied to meeting. Enter that and you should be in the meeting, or at least in the proper meeting. 

In cases of confusion this is a great way to make sure you get to the proper meeting ID regardless of the join link. 


If this has answered your question to your satisfaction, please click the "Accept as Solution" button below but if not please reply and we can continue the  discussion. Thank you!


Recently I've been having a similar problem with one-on-one calls I'm hosting. One person was in my waiting room, according to the email I got, but I never got a notification to let him into the meeting. In another case, the person I was waiting for was running into messages saying I was supposedly in another meeting, but I wasn't. What would cause this?

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @Barubiito sometimes the person entering a waiting room will trigger an email notification before the host sees the notification in meeting. They are typically around the same time but I have seen that before in my own use. Waiting a few moments, the Zoom client popped up a notification that someone was in the waiting room and I was able to let them in. If you are seeing long delays there could be an issue where exiting and restarting the client could help, also making sure you are on the latest version of the client (since we fix  known issues when releasing new versions).  If someone sees a message that you are still in meeting but you are not, there could be something hung where fully exiting the client and restarting, signing in again will help clear that up. 

I recently had to reformat my hard drive and manually re-install all my apps, in order to try to eliminate a software problem. But I may have brought over some other kind of Zoom file, like settings and the like. Various programs have needed some adjustment since the reinstall. Is there some file that Zoom creates that I could delete to fix this problem?

I'm on a Mac, by the way.