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Proctoring with Zoom?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello all, 


Has anyone used Zoom in creative ways for student proctoring? I know there are third party services out there, but wondering if Zoom has been part of a scalable solution that did not involve an outside program. 



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We use Proctorio for our integrated proctoring solution, but I do have a few "one offs" so to speak, using Zoom for proctoring. For instance, our placement and CLEP testing administrators use it to monitor individual exam takers. I also have a few instructors who use it as sort of a monitoring system, where they have students begin recording themselves within a Zoom session when they begin an exam and then save the recording, so if students report any incidents of disconnection, etc., they can provide them with a video. As a scalable proctoring solution, I'm not sure, but I would love to hear what anyone is doing. I don't know of any Zoom to LMS integrations that allow videos to be attached to the gradebook and/or attempt, which is a crucial piece for us at this time.

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee


I think you will be happy in our future updates. We are looking at ways to make proctoring seamless. I love the suggestions, keep them coming. No better way to help Zoom evolve than suggestions from users. 


Pat La Morte
Global EDU Solutions LeadZoom Video Communications

Hi Pat,
Great to see the release today of Focus mode. A definite step forward in the ability to help make proctoring seamless and prevent one student being a distraction to others whilst still being proctored.  Also very useful in large meetings that start all together like a lecture, but then want to use breakout rooms, and then later regroup as one. Halfway to a webinar, but with functionality of meetings available.

Some extra ideas for a subsequent phase II improvement to the new Focus mode would include;
1. A gallery style view of multiple shared content. At present multiple simultaneously shared content works with Focus mode, but you have to have 1 screen per piece of content (and at best then rotate through a selection of which student content is showing).  A gallery style view of multi shared content on one screen, and Focus mode (host gallery view) on a 2nd screen would be fantastic.

2. The option for focus mode to also similarly control audio path in addition to video path - so host can hear the combined meeting & mics of participants, but individual students can't hear each other - they can only hear the host.

Very impressed with first release of Focus mode. Looking forward to its future too.

Good Morning,

I am glad that you like " Focus Mode" to me it was important as an educator, that we helped with exams/tests, and also socio-economic disparity within the students homes. This allows them to not have the need to turn off their camera for fear that another student will judge. 

Thank you for your suggestions. I am going to submit them for consideration, as we continue to improve and advance Zoom. 


Pat La Morte
Global EDU Solutions LeadZoom Video Communications