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unable to assign lisence because " You have exceeded the limit of license assignment for your accoun


i dont understand why, i cannot assign my license, 

i can unassign, but after that i cannot assign again, 

is there something wrong?

my license is still more then 10, but i cannot assign to mw account, 

now, i cannot assign the license, and all my account turn to basic, 

and zoom want me to buy more lisence for me to can assign? 

im still missing the point here,limit 3.PNG



This is completely unacceptable. Zoom is blackmailing us and blocking our accounts until we buy more licenses. This is very poor business!!!


For information, the section "1.2 Prohibition on Sharing" in Zoom's Terms of Service ***did not exist*** until March 31, 2023. This particular change was made ***without notice*** (admitted by Zoom's own "support"), ***against*** previous versions of Terms of Service:
> Zoom will exercise commercially reasonable business efforts to provide notice to You of any material changes to this Agreement.

(I assume that e-mails to users are "commercially reasonable business efforts".)

The above sentence ***itself*** has been ***removed without notice*** to users.

Note also the "assignment" was permitted in the previous Terms of Service

> Sharing of Host subscriptions with anyone ***other than the individual assigned to be a Host*** is strictly prohibited.

as well as in the "Services Description" (even the present version!)
> A Host subscription may not be shared or used by anyone ***other than the individual assigned to be a Host***.

(emphases by me) which is also referred to from the Terms of Service, though the former sentence has also been ***removed without notice***.

None of the Zoom employees themselves I've communicated were aware of those changes of words without notice; some of them even made false statements about their own previous Terms of Service.

demolishing. It's clear that's been a move to trap customers. What they don't realize is that this short term revenue gain will hurt them in the medium term. I've already turned part of my meetings to Google Meet.

I think it's worse: Zoom broke their own agreement with customers, and even the "support" employees are not given correct information.

Same here, I have just advised my organization to move to Google Meets.


It is truly a shame that Zoom treats their customers this way


Same issue for me !!

It's terrible service from zoom. It's effected how we operate as an organisation. 

We have meetings daily and they are now capped to 45 minutes !!

Does anyone have an answer ??


Maybe its time to take this public and post on their Twitter?

I tried posting on their twitter already, they gave me generic response, if enough of us did it maybe

Thats my thought, if everyone here went on to their twitter - it seems they don't read these community forums. 


I've contacted Zoom via all possible means including Twitter and they are aware of this issue (even some of the Zoom employees are upset), but their headquarter is determined to ignore us.  I myself have been tweeting about all of these in public.  Perhaps others should do the same, for the headquarter to listen.  I also talked with governmental/public organizations for consumer affairs, since this change of service is against the original Agreement with Zoom.


This is really terrible by zoom. I doubt if their lawyers read through the impact and implications before applying this to everyone's account. How can you not be able to re-assign licences if someone else has left? It does not make sense at all and they just debited me the annual cost of the license.