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I lend my laptop to my mother so she could use zoom and renamed it, but now everytime I use it my mom's name appears, it doesn't matter how many times I rename it with my name, it still happens. I don't know what to do. If someone can help, I would really appreciate it.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi PaulinaFuga,


Please log in to your account at then click Profile and change your Display Name from there.


Hi Arman - I'm another user with this problem. I have been into my profile multiple times and it still reads as my original name. The one-time name (that I put in for a particular gathering) does not show up there. 

Do you have any other suggestions?

Hi ewinslea,


Can you send me a screenshot on where you are changing you name? 

Did you change it on the Zoom Client App or did you changed it on you account at

Don't forget to blur out any Personal Identifiable Information.

Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same problem.

This is ewinslea replying - as I couldn't figure out how to register as myself.

It is fixed. But ONLY because I was invited to another person's Zoom event and asked before they let me in to give my name - I entered it as I wanted it on my main account and now it is permanently changed everywhere.

I really don't understand it, but the hack worked.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi PaulinaFuga,


I just want to follow up if it worked on your end.


My partner is having the same problem..her name keeps saying Gi and Kathy.. and she changed her profile name and display name to gi and it keeps showing Gi and Kathy when she gets into a meeting. It seems to work at first but then a new meeting she joins it is not changing. Is this a bug? We don't see anywhere where it says Gi and Kathy in her profile so where is it geting it from?  Also I am the admin.. and i have set up for the meetings: Allow user to change their name when joining a meeting  (this is off as I want the profile name to appear) and Allow particpants to rename themselves (this is ON). HELP!!!!! 


You can go to the "PROFILE" on Zoom, then settings.   Towards the top, just under your first and last name, It will give you the option to change your Displayed Name.   


I have had the same issue which persisted for a long time.  I lent my computer to my wife, and no matter how many times I changed my display name in meetings it would start with her name, adjusting my profile did nothing. SOLVED: I opened the Zoom app. It gives a screen of Join a meeting or Sign in. Click on join a meeting. Under "your name" put the name you want, and then check the box next to "Remember my name for future meetings". That should fix it.