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I cant assign licences


Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 18.11.32.png


It seems there is a bug on assigning licences, I have one available but I cant assign it



We got the following feedback from Zoom Customer Service.:


Note: Sharing meeting licenses among multiple users is a violation of Zoom’s Terms of Service. Per section 1.2 Prohibition on Sharing:

You may not share an account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Zoom in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services and Software is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, except upon (i) an individual termination of employment or relationship with their employer, as applicable, or (ii) Zoom’s prior express written approval.

In addition to this, I was able to see that the licenses you have on your account were assigned and removed from one user to another multiple times this month on your Account Management -> Reports page -> User Activity Reports -> Admin Activity Logs.

We ar going to use for now and might install our own server. Or we might go with talk on our nextcloud.

So no suggestions on how to get our paid for licenses unlocked I guess? 

I just replyed to their email and asked if we would be allowed to assign our licences one more time. But no answer yet.

Let us know how that goes, I have had zero luck with their ticketing system. Just repeats of violating the TOS and that I have to wait for the error message to go away. In the meantime I can also not use the new license I just paid for to try and get it to work again.  

That is the response from customer service:


Thank you for getting back to me regarding this.
As of now, we do not have an option to bypass what our system is doing to prevent you from assigning licenses to your users any further since sharing of licenses is a violation of our Terms of Service. 
Since the reassignment limit depends on the number of licenses on your account, purchasing additional licenses will allow you to assign your licenses to your users again.
If your use of Zoom services requires additional licenses to comply with Zoom’s single-user-per-license requirement, you can visit your Billing page on the Zoom web portal to purchase additional licenses.

the only technical solution to recover paid licenses :

detach existing users from the company account, to have the number of licenses corresponding to the number of users.

Are you 100% sure this would work?

it's from experience, I applied this method on my account to recover my 3 licenses

I am the owner and I don't have the option to delete/deactivate or delink them. No three little dots with more next to their names. Any suggestions, now I am at a loss. 

Ok found a solution to that - have to change their role to Member.  Will report back after removing the bulk of our users - most people don't use it regularly anyway


Unlinking users did not get my two licenses back. Well three if you count the one extra I just paid for. 

So you just paid for one extra and are not able to assign it to a user?


Just found this

The license allocation has been changed to “each license can be reassigned up to 4 times/month”. For example, a customer who has purchased 20 Pro licenses will be alerted to purchase additional licenses if they change their license allocation 80 times in a month, even if they still have licenses available.



We also did this, unaware that it contravened Zoom's rules.  We removed all user accounts so that our account number matches our license, and our pro licenses and webinar license are still locked.  I contacted support and they were unable to remove the lock or even say when it would be lifted.  Unfortunately we'll be moving to another service because of Zoom's approach.


Any other options that you are considering? Has anyone tried Microsoft Teams?



Teams in the immediate term at least; I used GoTo Webinar for a webinar yesterday.  I'll take a look at jitsi, and other available options.  Frankly some of us are receiving Zoom's suggestion of 'buy another license' as extortion, so there's very little chance that we'll stay with them


Thanks, for online teaching Microsoft Teams seems the most appropriate. A pity for ZOOM, it was a nice tool that emotionally connected all of us in such a key moment of human history, all thrown away for a bunch of dollars.


Yes, they build up a lot of goodwill during the pandemic, but they're burning it away with this behaviour.


We switched to Webex. The interface is not as intuitive and user-friendly as the one on Zoom but they have great customer service and support! Bye Zoom!


Hello ZOOM, do you ever plan to solve this issue or even care about giving us a solution? I'm still paying for fresh bought licences they haven't been used not even once!

Maybe go on to Twitter and make it public? If we all did it someone would notice maybe


A good use case on how to screw your brand and how not doing customer service through communities on LinkedIN might be also a good idea.


We are able again to assign licences - BUT each licence only 4 times per month. So if you have 4 licences you could move a licence to another user 16 times per month.

Thanks a lot, so we are, I saw you posted something else about the amount of times licences can be shared. For instance, let's say I have three users A-B-C and two licences, does it mean that I can switch licences 8 times between B-C even if I never change it from A? Do they sum up?


We got this response from Zoom:

Sorry to hear you’re receiving a message regarding a limit on license assignments when assigning Zoom One or Zoom Meeting licenses. This limit is based on the number of purchased licenses on your account. Once additional licenses are purchased, the limit will be increased, and you can continue assigning licenses to users.
Note: Sharing meeting licenses among multiple users is a violation of Zoom’s Terms of Service. Per section 1.2 Prohibition on Sharing:

You may not share an account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Zoom in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services and Software is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, except upon (i) an individual termination of employment or relationship with their employer, as applicable, or (ii) Zoom’s prior express written approval.

In addition to this, I was able to see that the licenses you have on your account were assigned and removed from one user to another multiple times this month on your Account Management -> Reports page -> User Activity Reports -> Admin Activity Logs.


And on another side I found this:

The license allocation has been changed to “each license can be reassigned up to 4 times/month”. For example, a customer who has purchased 20 Pro licenses will be alerted to purchase additional licenses if they change their license allocation 80 times in a month, even if they still have licenses available.


How long did you have to wait before they finally got unlocked?  


I want Zoom to know that after YEARS of having an account -- we were members far before the pandemic -- we have left and gone to your competitor BlueJeans by Verizon. I don't appreciate how you handled this at all and the minimal communication there has been around this issue. We won't be back.


WOW never seem so many BS in my life, I`m paying to use a license, that I MYSELF cannot use it, and they are saying is because they changed the FAQ.... If you have an admin account with 1 license and you switch the license between more them a person, you have a month limit of changes.... Were the F* is my license that I`m paying for?