I cant assign licences

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2023-04-24 09:17 AM
It seems there is a bug on assigning licences, I have one available but I cant assign it

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2023-04-24 09:23 AM

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2023-04-24 12:00 PM
This is a blocker for my organization, what kind of support is this? We are paying for something we can´t use.

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2023-04-24 12:02 PM
I am having this exact same issue.

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2023-04-24 01:05 PM
Hi Carla,
I hope you're doing well. I apologize if I didn't explain my issue clearly enough, or if the pictures I provided didn't adequately illustrate the problem I'm facing. To clarify, I do have Pro licenses, but I'm having trouble when trying to switch them between users. This is something that I've been able to do without any issues up until now, and I believe it's an integral part of editing user profiles.
The specific issue I'm encountering is that when I try to switch a user from Pro to Basic, and then back to Pro again, the system doesn't allow me to do so. As I showed in the screenshots I shared earlier, ity says I can assign the licenses, but at the same time, the system tells me that there are no more available spots. This seems to indicate that there's a glitch somewhere in the process.
I'd greatly appreciate any assistance you could provide in resolving this issue, as it's affecting our ability to manage and allocate our Pro licenses effectively.
Thank you in advance for your help and support.
Best regards,

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2023-04-24 03:32 PM
Hola tengo el mismo problema

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2023-04-24 03:46 PM
Hola! El mismo problema por aquí. Ya intente de todo y no pasa nada. Buscando respuestas en linea y en zoom nada. Tengo reuniones programadas para hoy y no hay forma de habilitar el Pro. Este es un problema para mi organización, ¿qué tipo de apoyo es este? no podemos usar el servicio ya abonado.

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2023-04-24 10:44 PM
Good morning, we still have the same issue, when is ZOOM going to address it and look into?

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2023-04-25 02:15 AM
Good afternoon, if we pay for licences we can't assign and we don't have a timely response from the service provider, should we change provider?

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2023-04-25 05:55 AM
we have the same problem, it's a bug, the technical service must intervene urgently

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2023-04-25 06:08 AM

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2023-04-25 08:14 AM
Buen día, todavía no se soluciona el problema. Seguimos sin poder asignar las licencias y sin respuesta de soporte de zoom. Esto afecta mucho nuestro servicio.
Al menos podrían informar hasta cuando debemos esperar la solución al problema para poder definir que caminos seguir.
Espero una pronta solución al problema
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2023-04-25 08:49 AM
Hi @jbga @eflirtexpert @HPCONSULTORES @JPGitelli @james30
Thank you all for clarifying the issue. I understand that you’re receiving a message regarding a limit on license assignments when assigning Zoom One or Zoom Meeting licenses. This limit is based on the number of purchased licenses on your account. Once additional licenses are purchased, the limit will be increased, and you can continue assigning licenses to users.
Note: Sharing meeting licenses among multiple users is a violation of Zoom’s Terms of Service. Per section 1.2 Prohibition on Sharing:
You may not share an account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, unless otherwise expressly pre-approved by Zoom in writing. You may not share any login credentials or passwords regarding the foregoing with any other individual. You acknowledge that sharing of any such rights is strictly prohibited. Your right to use or access the Services and Software is personal to you and not assignable or transferable. You may not assign or transfer any account, Host rights, or any other user rights with any other individual, except upon (i) an individual termination of employment or relationship with their employer, as applicable, or (ii) Zoom’s prior express written approval.
If your use of Zoom services requires additional licenses to comply with Zoom’s single-user-per-license requirement, you can visit your Billing page on the Zoom web portal to purchase additional licenses.
Once additional licenses are purchased, the limit will be increased, and you’ll be able to assign licenses to users.
For more information, please refer to Zoom error code: “exceeded the limit of license assignment”.
I hope this helps to clear up the message you are receiving.
Zoom Community Team

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2023-04-25 09:08 AM
Hi Carla, instead of copying and paste, could you say in plain English what is going on? My use case is the following: I have an online academy and I have 5 teachers and 3 licences, where I'm switching 2 of the licences among 4 of them as it fit, are you telling me that's illegal?

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2023-04-25 09:30 AM
Hola Carla, buen día y gracias por tu respuesta.
Primero, absolutamente no, no aclaras nada con ese copy. Por una parte yo soy titular, propietario, y tampoco puedo asiganrme a mi mismo una de las licencias. Entonces como es el tema?
Segundo, si van a cambiar las reglas del juego, sean claros. Así podré evaluar con que platadforma continuar. Sería lo mas adecuado de parte de zoom. Y no estar especulando con los usuarios como lo hizo Netflix hace un tiempo atras.
Desde gracias por tu tiempo, y quedo a la espera de una respuesta mas clara.

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2023-04-25 09:36 AM
Acabo de leer en otro hilo del blog que hay que generar un ticket para la gestión del problema. Ademas de las muchas entradas con el mismo problema...

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2023-04-25 10:55 AM
Si pero donde pones el ticket? Es imposible contactar con Zoom. Considerando seriamente cambiarme de software, ahora justo que acaba el ciclo mensual.

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2023-04-25 11:14 AM
Solo seguí el link del moderador de ese hilo, pero creo que lopodes hacer desde aquí:

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2023-04-25 02:52 PM
Hola de nuevo Carla! Te comento. Siguiendo tu lineamiento, en el cual segun Ud el problema se genera por el intercambio de licencias entre usuarios, deje solo dos usuarios para asignarles las dos licencias que tengo pagas disponibles, y ni así se pudieron asignar. Entonces agradezco que nos i9nformes con más criterio cual es el problema.
Quedo atento.
PD: Uso zoom para solo 15 reuniones al mes, unas 30 horas. Y debido a este inconveniente he érdido 6 reuniones. Cási el 50 %.

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2023-04-26 12:47 AM
What it is pretty annoying is the fact that we have already paid for licenses that we can't use. Why if this is somehow not allowedl - even though we haven't noticed despite been doing it for a long time - why they don't let us at least to use the licenses that we have paid and block them not to change the users . What is pretty obvious is that Zoom don't care anymore about small businesses, particularly in terms of support. Time to move on.

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2023-04-26 08:14 AM
Hola Carla, buen día. Aquí te comparto un link en el cual se detalla la forma de asignar las licencias, con fecha de actualización 14 de abril de 2023, en el cual el método que estabamos utilizando es el correcto y no infringe ninguna norma de zoom.
Ademas de que ya eliminé usuarios y dejé solo dos para asignar las licencias y el problema continua. Tampoco yo, como propietario y administrador puedo asignarme una licencia.
Te pido que tengan la buena voluntad de informarnos cual es el problema y cuando lo solucionan.
Y en caso de no continuar con zoom como seía el reembolso del dinero.
Desde ya gracias

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2023-04-26 01:33 PM
Hi Carla,
Thank you for clarifying. If this was against the rules, why was the function allowed for so long?
I have deleted the other user on my account and I STILL cannot assign the license to myself even though I am the only person on this account. Please help.

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2023-04-25 09:14 AM
I have two licences Zoom one pro free but I can't apply it on my profile.

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2023-04-25 09:16 AM
Currently I have two pro tha I can't assign even though I have a message saying I can do so

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2023-04-26 05:15 AM
Same problem here!!!!

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2023-04-26 06:02 PM
Hi, jbga
I have had same issue on my account(s) since about weeks.
According to other threads this seems to be a license assignment issue.
This thread may help ( https://devforum.zoom.us/t/you-have-exceeded-the-limit-of-license-assignment-for-your-account-buy-mo... )
Additionally, if the zoom put an upper limit on the number of re-assignment, I think it be specified when purchasing the license. This limitation will not fit this type of license.

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2023-04-27 08:42 AM
Hola Theremin, gracias por la información!
Al igual que en este hilo de chat, en aquel, la información es ambigua, escasa y mal dada. No hay un lugar donde figure tal cambio. No comparten el link ni detallan correctamente donde se encuentra esa especificación. Es lamentable.
Lo peor y más decadente, es que en todos los casos hemos pagado las licencias por adelantado!
Como sería la acción para la devolución del dinero?
Alguien está al tanto?

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2023-04-30 01:03 AM
Hi, JPGitelli,
I don't know more than what is written in the thread too.
I have some licenses which are a monthly subscription. So I'm going to see what happens next renewal date comes.
However, our organization has considered other options other than zoom and has partially migrated. At next renewal, we will reduce the number of licenses.
It is a pity that the zoom was easy to use.

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2023-05-04 10:06 AM
Efectivamente no hay solución. Hay que migrar. En nuestra organización dejamos los usuarios para cada licencia, es decir una licencia por usuario, y no hubo caso. No se pueden asignar.
La unica respuesta es compre más licencias... Y, que estamos infringiendo las normas...
Una vergüenza, por lo cual nosotros tambien migraremos a Jitsi, o a la que brinde mejores condiciones.

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2023-04-30 02:35 PM
Hi @jbga ! I have the same problem. I don't appreciate Zoom blackmailing me to buy more licenses in order to keep using their services. I have 2 licenses that I am PAYING for and I am no longer able to use them. This is completely unacceptable and I'll be taking my business elsewhere. Webex seems to offer similar if not better service than Zoom.

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2023-05-08 10:39 AM
Hi Mkussin, how is it going with Webex? Can you assign licences as we used to do on ZOOM? Can you have more cloud storage than the 5GB per user on the starter plan? It seems pretty difficult to talk to someone too.

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2023-05-08 01:28 PM
Hi @jbga! Webex is going okay so far. Their interface is not as user-friendly as the one on Zoom, so I had to call them to help me. I was actually able to get on the phone with their support team very quickly and they were very good and patient, and also able to help me. I am able to assign licences. I have only bought 2 licenses for this month as I just want to try it out. I am also trying Google Meet and I will then decide which one I like best. I haven't looked at the recording option yet, so I'm not sure how much cloud storage there is.

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2023-05-09 12:42 AM
Thanks, Google Meet for us didn't fit our use case, despite having a massive storage if compared to ZOOM. However Google is pretty honest with the licensing and besides letting you use their service after you buy a license - which is not happening with ZOOM - you eventually get billed for the days you have been having the licenses. I was having a look yesterday to Webex and seems pretty cool, if they also not steal your money and have someone to help with issues, definitely is the way to go.

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2023-05-02 05:47 AM
Same problem here. We have four annual licences and cannot assign them to users.

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2023-05-04 09:57 AM
Hello again, I cant contact ZOOM support, I've just bought one fresh licence for one teacher yesterday and I can't assign it to her because still shows the same problem, if I keep buying licences and I cant assign them at least once, what is the point?

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2023-05-04 10:02 AM
Es una vergüenza lo que estan haciendo. Mis licencias se renueban el 14 de mayo, creo que daremos de baja todas y nos iremos a Jitsi...

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2023-05-04 10:11 AM
Jitsi? No parece que tenga muchas funcionalidades. Nosotros los hemos intentado con Meet pero da muchos problemas para compartir sonido, pantalla etc. Estamos muy acostumbrados al flujo de ZOOM. ¿Que otras alternativas estais pensando? ¿Microsoft Teams?

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2023-05-04 10:29 AM
Sí, tengo los mismos comentarios sobre Jitsi, pero es libre. Tambien hemos utilizado Meet con el mismo resultado. En cuanto a Microsoft Teams, estamos por ver sus prestaciones. No la hemos utilizado aún.
Aquí te dejo un link que puede ser de interes:
Espero sea útil!

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2023-05-04 10:27 AM
Es que es increíble que te digan que compres licencias, la compres y cuando vas asignarla no puedes, es como si te engañaran para quitarte el dinero. Y no hay manera de contactar con nadie, para que voy a seguir comprando licencias? Si no fuera porque ZOOM es una marca conocida mundialmente, estaría pensando que estoy teniendo una experiencia similar a un robo de mi dinero. Cuando por fin logré encontrar el sitio para poner el web ticket, me contestaron a los tres dias, les volvi a escribir ayer diciendo que estaba teniendo una sensación parecida al robo y en lugar de explicarlo o solucionarlo, volvieron a decirme lo de los terms of service. Y todo por no comunicar bien. El director de marketing debe ser un genio, una marca que era sinonimo de video conferencias, como Google de búsqueda, se la está cargando, yendo en contra de sus principales prescriptores los pequeños negocios que seguimos usando videoconferencias después de la pandemia. ¡Incluso han tenido la desfachatez de enviarme una encuesta de satisfacción preguntándome como de probable era que recomendara ZOOM! ¡Bravo, no se puede hacer mejor!

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2023-05-04 11:59 PM
Same problem so bought another license so our webinar can go ahead and cant assign that one either. this isn't a glitch this is Zoom burning their business to the ground by blocking people from using paid licenses.