since ‎2023-11-15

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Hello,I am using ADsynctool version 1.7, but I am unable to retrieve the correct user information from the Zoom tenant side.Although there are at least 100 users, only two users are being retrieved as shown below.ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーTotal n...
Hello.I am trying to use ADSyncTool through a server-to-server OAuth app. I am trying to use ADSyncTool through a server-to-server OAuth app. I have run the tool with the following scopes enabled as described on the support page, but I get the follow...
Hello.I am trying to use ADSyncTool through a server-to-server OAuth app. I am trying to use ADSyncTool through a server-to-server OAuth app. I have run the tool with the following scopes enabled as described on the support page, but I get the follow...