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Recording a meeting with shared screen to local computer


Hi, hope someone can help!

I am recording a Zoom meeting where I share a Google Slides presentation including presenter view where I can see the speaker notes.  I set up the presentation with the slides on the left and presenter view on the right, start the Zoom meeting and Share Screen, selecting the slides.  The green border is around the slides and I can see the presenter view/speaker notes without a green border so I know that bit is working!  I start recording and all seems to work as it should until I play the video back.  Sometimes there is a window with video of me (Gallery view although I'm the only person in the meeting), sometimes I can see slide one but it doesn't progress to the following slides, sometimes the screen is completely black but I can hear my voice.


I have viewed other community posts and set everything up as it should be (I think) so not sure where to go next.  Thinking that I might have to uninstall the Zoom desktop client and reinstall, or upgrade to PRO to access cloud recordings.  Hope someone can help!


Thanks in advance, Emma x