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Participant to Record the Meeting Option not visible


Hi Eyeryone,


I am using Zoom for Meetings - I made another participant co-host . Although me as Host I can locally record the meeting (button is visible) there is no option to allow my participant to record it on her device. If I hover over "more" option on the participant there is no option to allow recording.

I red it should appear in the participants menu under 'more' but there is no option for giving the permission to her.

We both are using Zoom app version 5.12.8(12565).


Thanks in advance!!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi, @akacae,


First, ensure that your account has enabled the participant recording option as described in the How to enable local recording section of this Zoom Support article: 

Please also read the Prerequisites section,  which might indicate why Local Recording might not be possible for the participant. Especially note that Local recording is not supported on iOS, iPad, or Android devices. 

Once you’re sure Local Recording is permitted in your account and the user meets the requirements for Local Recording, try again. If the menu item is still not there, let me know and we’ll troubleshoot more details.  


Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.